
Viz-A-Viz with Kapil Maheshwari, CEO, Hinduja Renewables Energy Pvt Ltd

Q. To begin with, how do you see your journey with Renewables Industry? I started my journey in Renewables Energy from the days of completing my masters from IIT, Bombay. Since then I am part of this industry in geographies like US, Germany and India. Started my journey as Design Engineer in RE Industry and […]

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Renewable Energy Experts discuss the future of clean energy at Reinvest 2018

The power packed technical sessions at the 2nd Global RE-Invest India-ISA Partnership Renewable Energy Experts’ Meet & Expo (RE-Invest 2018), organized by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy saw industry experts, corporates and sector players discussing the opportunities and challenges held by the Renewable Energy sector at Greater Noida. Reiterating the discussions of the […]

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Financers, Bankers and Economists Discuss Measures to Improve Financing for Renewable Energy Projects; Laud India’s Achievements in Renewable Energy

Leading bankers and renewable energy financing experts from multi-lateral agencies discussed solutions to issues pertaining to financing of renewable energy projects, and how access to financing can be improved to expand clean energy projects across the world, at a Plenary Session titled ‘Bankers’ Perspective on Renewables’, of the 2nd Global RE-Invest India-ISA Partnership Renewable Energy […]

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Over 10,000 people attend Re-Invest 2018 on day one; event a grand success

Over 10,000 people attended the 2nd Global RE-Invest India-ISA Partnership Renewable Energy Experts’ Meet & Expo (RE-Invest 2018) on day one, the 3rd, October, 2018 at Greater Noida. This included over 5000 delegates and180 exhibitors. There were 354 business to business bilateral meetings held on day one.The power-packed sessions included the First Assembly of the […]

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Bifacial photovoltaics – The Future has two sides

Solar modules are aligned to or even track the sun. The rear of standard solar modules only receives a small fraction of the energy captured by the front of the module. Nevertheless, the back surface can contribute 5% to 30% of the overall energy balance. The word “bifacial” keeps cropping up nowadays in the photovoltaics […]

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Ginlong Solis’ 5-20kw 3 Phase 4G Inverter Arrived

Along with the rapidly development of PV market, the capacity of household PV system is increasing gradually. Up to now, single phase just support capacity < 10 kW, so three phase inverter can be more widely used to large capacity PV system. Compared with single phase inverter, three phase inverter has many advantages and its […]

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Sungrow Displays Cutting-Edge Products at REI Expo 2018

The company has showcased multi-MPPT string inverters SG12KTL-M and SG110KTL-M during the three day exhibition. One of the leading inverter solution suppliers for renewable, Sungrow has showcased its multi-MPPT string inverters during the Renewable Energy India (REI) Expo 2018 held at Greater Noida. Sungrow, with world-leading PV solutions for commercial rooftop and utility-scale PV plants, […]

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Teamtechnik Presents Successful Adhesive Technology for HJT Cells

The STRINGER TT1600 ECA uses new adhesive technology and low process temperatures to join high-efficiency bifacial HJT (heterojunction) cells. This process reduces thermal and mechanical stress on the sensitive cells and results in a high string quality. teamtechnik, a worldwide technology leader in stringer systems for connecting solar cells, based in Germany, has developed the […]

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Google Signs Renewable Energy Deal to Power Data Center

In order to reduce its carbon footprint, Google has signed the deal under a power purchase agreement (PPA) which allows the technology giant to fetch energy directly from the generator. Internet related services and products provider, Google has signed a 10-year renewable energy deal to buy renewable energy from three upcoming wind farms of Finland […]

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