GE Renewable Energy

State Bank of India Floats Fund for Solar Power Projects

SBI has funded 43 rooftop solar power projects with the capacity of 475MW by availing line of credit from World Bank. State Bank of India has signed an agreement with seven companies for funding rooftop solar power projects. The seven companies include Adani Group, JSW Energy, Hinduja Renewables, Tata Renewables Energy, Azure Power, Cleantech Solar […]

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Scatec Solar Closes Financing for 400MW Solar PV Plant in Egypt

The six solar PV projects totaling 400MW involving a total investment of USD 450 million are located in the Benban solar park in Aswan in Upper Egypt. Scatec Solar ASA (SSO) and partners have achieved financial close for six solar PV power plants in Egypt totaling 400 MW. A consortium of international Development Finance Institutions […]

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Powering the future: WElink to start Solar power project in Europe

Dublin-headquartered modular home builder and solar power developer WElink Group is to develop a £200million, 220MW solar farm in Portugal. WElink energy has started construction to build largest privately funded farm solar in Portugal. This power plant will contains 221 MW power and will be unsubsidized. As company claimed it will be the Europe’s biggest […]

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Power Minister Singh Asks NISE Scientists to Work on Demonstrative Projects

Addressing scientists, research staff and other guests during the event, Singh said the NISE should aim to establish itself as the world’s leading institute in solar energy through its world-class R&D. Power Minster R K Singh has called upon the National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) to work with farm and dairy wings of the […]

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NREL Inks Technology Agreement for High Efficiency Multijunction Solar Cells

The IMM technique licensed by MicroLink Devices enables multijunction III-V solar cells to be grown with both higher efficiencies and lower costs than traditional multijunction solar cells by reversing the order in which individual sub-cells are typically grown. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has entered into a license agreement […]

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The demand for power is relentless. With technological advancements, mankind is now consuming more power to aggrandize their lifestyle. Many energy experts reckon initiatives like ‘Power for All’, ‘Digital India’ and ‘Smart Cities’ shall be reigned through only increasing and distributing reliable power needs. There has been a prolong discussion on the reliability, security and […]

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ABB Sees India as a Potential Location for its Microgrid Solutions

A microgrid has the potential to contribute towards energy self-sufficiency in India given the country’s huge requirement for electrification, and the government’s push for renewable energy. Global power and automation player ABB is looking at India as a potential location for its microgrid solutions given the country’s huge requirement for electrification, and the government’s push […]

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Scientists Create Most Powerful Micro-Scale Bio-Solar Cell Yet

A micro fluidic lab-on-a-chip system that generates its own power is essential for stand-alone, independent, self-sustainable point-of-care diagnostic devices to work in limited-resource and remote regions. Researchers at Binghamton University, State University of New York have created a micro-scale biological solar cell that generates a higher power density for longer than any existing cell of […]

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