Energy Transition

Spain’s Policy Plans to bring Successful Energy Transition through RE: IEA

Spain has laid out ambitious plans to transform its energy system, requiring strong policy support to ensure the needed investments, new IEA policy review says Spain has made considerable progress towards its goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050, but future gains need to be supported by stable policies, adequate public financing and incentives […]

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Council Meets with Spotlight on Energy Transition & Food Systems: IRENA

The 21st meeting of the Council will be held virtually on 25th and 26th May More than 280 representatives from 96 countries will gather virtually to attend the 21st Council of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), next week as countries continue to calibrate energy policy in line with the achievement of sustainable development goals […]

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Energy Transition May Cost Upstream Oil & Gas Sector $14 T: WoodMac

Even a rapidly transitioning world needs oil and gas supply for decades to come The energy transition represents US$14 trillion worth of uncertainty for upstream oil and gas, according to a new report by Wood Mackenzie. Oil and gas is a risky business. Over the years, those risks have been tempered by a single tenet […]

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How Cities Can Take Action to Drive the Energy Transition: IRENA

The dominance of fossil fuels in the urban energy supply puts cities on the frontline of climate change. Cities account for about 75% of global primary energy use and are responsible for 70 per cent of energy related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, making them key actors in both national and global efforts to transition to […]

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Highest-ever Boom in Copper Amid Clean Energy Transition: Bloomberg

According to recent analysis by Bloomberg, a New York City-headquartered data and media company, copper surged this week to its highest-ever and copper future prices rose as high as $10,440 a ton in London. This follows the boom in copper spread over the past year, which caused prices to double in the period. The year 2011 […]

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Leaders Summit Outlines Energy Transition Priorities for a 1.5°C Future: IRENA

The Paris agreement sets out a global framework to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. Today, more and more countries are aiming for net zero emissions by mid-century and attention is shifting to the implication of this objective. While existing Nationally […]

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India H2 Alliance Formed With Focus on Hydrogen in the Energy Transition

The India H2 Alliance is focussed on commercialising hydrogen technologies and systems to build net-zero carbon pathways in India. Global energy and industrial majors have come together to form a new energy transition coalition, the India H2 Alliance (IH2A), focussed on commercialising hydrogen technologies and systems to build net-zero carbon pathways in India.  IH2A has […]

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Energy Transition to Renewables in US to Accelerate Over Next 2-3 Years: Report

The speed and scope of the energy transition to renewables will pick up pace over the next two to three years, according to the IEEFA’ U.S. Power Sector Outlook 2021. The report adds that solar and battery storage adoption is enjoying almost exponential growth, and wind and solar technology improvements have helped turn the two resources […]

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Improving Data Exchange Between Wind Farms and Power System key to Cost-Effective Energy Transition

With increasing shares of distributed energy, seamless data exchange between power generation assets and grid operators is central to a cost effective management of the energy system. Clear guidance at EU level and consistent implementation at national level can reduce system operation costs. And they can make the EU power system more secure and reliable. […]

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