Electricity Act


The demand for power is relentless. With technological advancements, mankind is now consuming more power to aggrandize their lifestyle. Many energy experts reckon initiatives like ‘Power for All’, ‘Digital India’ and ‘Smart Cities’ shall be reigned through only increasing and distributing reliable power needs. There has been a prolong discussion on the reliability, security and […]

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Uttar Pradesh(UP) isn’t just known to be a political game changer in the Indian history, but the state with a hefty population of 204.2 million on a vast land area of 243,286 km², is the most potentially budding yet the least exploitative solar hotspot in the country. It has a brilliant solar radiation of an […]

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State distribution companies (discoms) are biggest obstacle on open access for solar power

Open access (OA) was one of the main components of the Electricity Act (2003), introduced in an effort to attract private investment in the electricity generation sector, thereby encouraging competition. There is an increasing opportunity to innovate in solar markets in India thanks to the rapidly declining price of photovoltaics (PV). While large-scale ground-mounted solar […]

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How falling solar tariffs are shaping the solar future of India’s 100GW goal

The technology chapter of solar energy is aerobicized, the growing efficiencies and advance solar cells is aggrandizing operation regardless of robust conditions. In the case of India, the valiant figures of solar integration are extolling and cementing new charts of growth. This unequivocally qualifies the international and national players to proliferate and also aggressively dive […]

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MNRE issues guideline Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process to increase affordability of Solar Power

The guideline for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process has been issued by MNRE under the provisions of Section 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for long term procurement of electricity by the ‘Procurers’ Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) has issued Guidelines for tariff based competitive bidding process for procurement of power from grid connected […]

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Centre to Notify Guidelines for Renewable Power Procurement

Until the guidelines are drafted, the till then projects will be set up under existing provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003 under section 62 wherein the State Regulatory Commission is to be approached for fixation of tariff. The Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has clarified that a guideline for procurement of renewable power […]

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Tailoring Solar Power for Textile Industry

The Indian Textile Industry has always been amenable in adapting newer and more efficient technologies. Electricity is most necessary input that mill needs today and it has always remained area of concern in this segment. Textile industry has been early adopter of renewable energy in India and has contributed largely in the growth of clean […]

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SEFA Grants Us$ 1 Million to a 20 MW Off-Grid Rooftop Solar Project in Zimbabwe

The African Development Bank’s Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa will support the project’s financing by funding technical feasibility work, legal advisory in regards to the preparation of key solar project agreements, as well as offering financial advisory towards developing a bankable project. The African Development Bank (AfDB)-managed Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) has approved […]

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Jharkhand Solar Energy Policy

Jharkhand Solar Energy Policy Updates 2017 A 50 percent subsidy to residential consumers and a 10 percent subsidy to commercial (industrial) consumers installing rooftop solar will be provided by the Jharkhand State government, the policy was implemented in July 2017. OBJECTIVE The objectives of the Policy are as follows To encourage participation of private sector […]

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