Electricity Act

Viz-A-Viz with Saikat Roy, MD & CEO, MyWay Energy and Lighting India Pvt Ltd

Q. To begin with, please tell our readers more about myWay Solar and its contribution towards clean & green energy. Ravi Renewable and Lighting India Pvt Ltd (RREL) is an organization that tries to understand the pain points of the industry and works towards elimination of those difficulties. We have two divisions – Renewable and […]

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Delhi Government to Educate Farmers About Solar Scheme

The revenue department has been instructed to identify land owning farmers so as to to encourage them to enroll in the scheme. Delhi Government will soon hold workshops to inform and sensitize farmers about the benefits from the new solar scheme. The scheme will also help farmers to have a secondary source of income. The […]

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Tangedco Gets Approval to Float Solar and Wind Tenders

The tenders will be floated in December and the companies taking part in the bidding will have one year to commission the project. Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (Tangedco) has revieced an approval from the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulation Commission (TNERC) float solar and wind power tender for the financial year 2018-19. The tenders […]

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Policy and Technology Helped Drive Solar Module Cost Down: Study

Policy support by respective governments has been touted as a major reason for this dramatic price drop With the price of solar energy becoming increasingly competitive each day, it is crucial to know why the cost of solar panels and solar energy storage have been dropping. This is what a team of researchers from Massachusetts […]

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World Bank signs agreement with Jharkhand and Central government for a $310 million loan

The Jharkhand Power System Improvement Project will help build new power transmission infrastructure To provide affordable, reliable and 24×7 electricity to the citizens of Jharkhand, the state and the central government have signed an agreement with the World Bank for a loan of $310 million. The Jharkhand Power System Improvement Project will help build new […]

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Solar Developers to Get a One-Time GST Compensation of Rs 2000 crore

An order by Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) in October had approved the claims of solar power developers. In a relief to the solar developers, state power distribution companies will have to pay nearly Rs 2000 crore as a one-time compensation towards the impact of Goods and Service Tax (GST) on developers according to Icra. […]

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Instruments to Accelerate the Advent of Energy Storage in India

With all the buzz going around energy storage these days, very often than not it is claimed to be the holy grail of renewable energy. Owing to the intermittency and unpredictability in solar and wind generation, high degree of flexibility in Loads and Sources is needed by the electricity grid for absorbing renewable energy beyond […]

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Uttar Pradesh Issues Draft Regulation for Net Metering

The draft regulations is called Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive Systems Gross / Net Metering Regulations, 2019 The Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (UPERC) has issued a new set of guidelines governing the net metering of surplus power generated by rooftop solar projects in Uttar Pradesh. The draft regulations is called Rooftop Solar PV Grid […]

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Adapt or Die – Can Renewables Save the Planet, or Is It Too Late?

Since the recently held Global Climate Action Summit where global leaders debated the practicalities of taking the climate change battle to the next level, media sources the world over have all been reporting the same thing: if global warming is not kept in check, there will be dangerous environmental and socio economical consequences. The BBC headlined with […]

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