Pledges to Be Carbon Neutral by Japan, South Korea To Ensure Solar Growth

The story in India might be depressing, with installations likely to hit a 4 year low this year after the peak of 2017, but the bigger picture for solar remains bright. That is because in the economies that can truly swing the balance, solar remains key to achieving key emission and carbon neutrality goals. Joining […]

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China’s Solar Industry to Embrace Faster Growth Amid Carbon Neutrality Goal

China’s solar industry is expected to embrace faster growth against the background that China aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, according to experts at a photovoltaic conference held on Thursday in Jintan, Jiangsu Province, China. To achieve carbon neutrality goal, China’s energy structure will experience fundamental changes […]

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Each new Wind Turbine Installed in Europe Generates €10m of Economic Activity

Wind energy is 300,000 jobs in Europe and contributes EUR 37 billion to EU GDP every year according to WindEurope’s new report ‘Wind Energy and economic recovery in Europe – How wind energy will put communities at the heart of the European recovery”. European leadership in wind energy will continue to boost jobs and benefit communities. Delivering the National Energy and Climate Plans is […]

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World’s Most Powerful Rooftop Solar Plant Comes Online in Europe

PVH Europe has announced the installation of what is believed to be the world’s most powerful (currently operational) rooftop solar system PVH Europe, the global headquarters of Tommy Hilfiger and the European offices of Calvin Klein, both owned by PVH Corp., has announced the installation of what is believed to be the world’s most powerful (currently […]

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Groundbreaking Research Into Solar Tech Develops Through new EU Project

An EU project led by Chalmers will develop prototypes of new solar technology for large scale applications, such as heating systems in residential houses. Over the last few years, a specially designed molecule and an energy system with unique abilities for capturing and storing solar power have been developed by a group of researchers from […]

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RE Could Meet 1/3rd of Demand in Central and Southern Europe: Report

A new report has revealed that by 2030, Central and South Eastern Europe could cover 1/3 rd of their rising energy demand with renewable energy (RE) The report “The Renewable Energy Roadmap for the Central and South Eastern Europe Energy Connectivity initiative (CESEC)” by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) shows that accelerating the take-up […]

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Europe Goes All-in on Hydrogen for the Transport Economy: Rethink

Europe has a clear and credible plan to become the center of the global hydrogen industry as its governments collectively finance the work needed to become the world’s first hydrogen economy. The end result will be 17 million fuel cell powered vehicles across Europe by 2040 – from under a thousand at present. COVID-19 recovery […]

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Total and PSA Form JV ‘ACC’ to Manufacture EV Batteries in Europe

PSA and Tota have formed a JV ‘ACC’ for the development and manufacture of high-performance batteries for the automotive industry from 2023. Groupe PSA/Opel and Total/Saft have signed an agreement for the creation of the joint venture ACC. With this partnership, the parties are setting up a world-class player in the development and manufacture of high-performance […]

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Share of EV Sales in Europe Increased During COVID-19 Impacted Q2

In Q2 2020, the market share of EV increased to 7.2 percent of total car sales in Europe, compared to a 2.4 percent share during the same period last year. In the second quarter (Q2) of 2020, the market share of electric vehicles (EV) increased to 7.2 percent of total car sales in Europe, compared […]

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