ET Energy

US DOE Announces $28 Million for Offshore Wind Energy

ATLANTIS projects will develop new technologies for floating, offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) using the discipline of control co-design (CCD). The U.S Department of Energy (DOE) has announced up to $28 million in funding for a new Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) program, Aerodynamic Turbines, Lighter and Afloat, with Nautical Technologies and Integrated Servo-control (ATLANTIS). ATLANTIS […]

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Solar Panels That Could Revolutionise Clean Energy

High temperatures are no longer required to coat things with a photovoltaic layer, thanks to Olga’s Inkjet Processing Method. A novel inkjet processing method for perovskites (a new generation of cheaper solar cells) developed by a Polish Physicist and Businesswoman, Olga Malinkiewicz, makes it possible to now producing solar panels even under lower temperatures, drastically […]

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Ignored in the Budget, The Renewables Sector Needs Marketing Lessons

With the ‘Interim’ Budget finally, behind us, it’s a good time for the renewables sector to take a look at just why the sector was ignored, more or less, when it comes to any major policy announcements in the budget. Of course, blaming ‘interim’ would be an easy way out. It’s clearly not a case […]

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The Interim Budget. No Sunshine with A Hint of Rain

After getting many quick reactions from various industry experts we did some research on it and found that: The last budget of the Modi government tried to have something for everyone, especially the middle class and farmers. But it looks like the renewable vote is not really as important. On the renewable energy front, the […]

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Viz-A-Viz with Glenn Pearce Oroz, Director of Policy and Programmes, Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL)

Govt Sends Clear, Attractive Signal to Invest in India Research clearly shows that businesses and private investment flow into countries that have clear, robust policy and regulatory environments with long term targets. By prioritizing energy access, the government is sending a clear, attractive signal to business to invest in the Indian market, believes Glenn Pearce […]

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Hanergy to Set Up ME’s 1st Thin-Film Solar Park with $1 Bn Investment

As per the deal, the two companies will collaborate to develop renewable energy manufacturing facilities in Saudi Arabia and conjointly seek relevant investment opportunities. Thin-film solar power solutions giant Hanergy Thin Film Power Group signed an investment cooperation pact with Ajlan & Bros to launch the first solar thin-film industrial park in the Middle East (ME) region. Further, […]

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The Indian Solar Standalone Product Market Projected to Reach Rs 26,178 Mn by 2023

The unveiling of a report, titled- ‘Peering into the future – India and the solar standalone products market’ by GOGLA, at the IDEF event, steer the discussions to the future of the distributed solar market in India, business opportunities, impact and innovations. GOGLA, together with International Finance Corporation, and Ashden India Collective, opened the conference […]

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Surat Municipal First to Use Solar Energy For Water Distribution

According to sources, out of the total 6 MW of solar power plants, 4 MW is dedicated for water supply management. Surat has become the first city in India to not be dependant on electricity distributors for powering its water supply network. The Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) is utilising solar power sourced from the city’s […]

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GE Expands Renewable Energy Portfolio

The proposed moves will enable GE Renewable Energy to drive more local and integrated solutions, simplify its structure, and improve performance. GE has announced that it intends to intensify its focus on the growing renewable energy market by consolidating all of the company’s renewable and grid assets into a single, simplified Renewable Energy business. GE […]

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