Delivery Point

Interview with Mohua Mukherjee, Program Ambassador Pro-Bono, International Solar Alliance

Next Generation Women will have Opportunities to Involve in Different Parts of Solar Value Chain Women of the next generation will have opportunities to be involved in many different parts of the solar value chain, including designing these new, energy-efficient solar gadgets or appliances, as well. We just need to start their familiarity with solar […]

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Dispelling the Myths About Rural Electricity in India

Rural Electricity got everyone’s attention at the WSDS 2019, with a session on availability to customer service, backed by ground research from rural India. The session titled ‘Rural Electricity access in India: Taking a leap from grid availability to customer service’ was moderated by journalist Sreenivasan Jain of NDTV, although the real anchor seemed to […]

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Solar Module Manufacturing Quality Management – A Huge Opportunity

Manufacturing sector plays a vital role in the success of the industrial development of any country and also contributes significantly towards it’s economy. With market globalization, India’s manufacturing industries, including photovoltaic (PV) module manufacturing industry, has improved their competitiveness to face tougher challenges in the market. In today’s scenario, quality has become the key focus […]

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Viz-A-Viz with Saurabh Bhandari, Founder & CEO, SolarMaxx

Q. To begin with can you give our readers a brief overview of SolarMaxx including the vision behind its formation and its current role in the market? SolarMaxx, established in 2008, is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high efficiency Solar PV Modules suitable for utility scale power plants as well as rooftop solar. SolarMaxx […]

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Solar-Powered CSCs to Reach 2.50 Lakh Gram Panchayats by Year End: Ravi Shankar

The CSC model has adopted India’s six villages in the pilot phase. The network of Common Service Centres (CSCs), which act as access points for delivery of various electronic services to villages in India, are set to be expanded to 2.50 lakh gram panchayats by the year end, said Ravi Shankar Prasad Union Minister for Electronics […]

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Solar Home Lighting System Powers Rural India

With no energy costs and often simple installation, more and more people particularly in rural areas are putting their faith into the solar revolution and switching to harness energy from the sun by using solar home lighting systems. Recent advancements in the technology helped millions of households to use solar home lighting devices. The Solar […]

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ABB India Dec Quarter Net Profit up 5.3%; Eyes Solar Expansion Overseas

We have delivered balanced performance in 2017, and built a solid foundation for future growth and profitability as our nation’s and global markets improve, says Sanjeev Sharma. ABB India Ltd, a leader in power & automation technologies, has reported a rise of 5.3 per cent in its standalone net profit after taxes (PAT) at Rs 171.52 […]

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ST Technology & solutions develop Smart Grids Sector

The expertise of STMicroelectronics in the smart grids sector is commodious. In fact the Geneva headquartered semiconductor and electronics heavyweight was an early innovator in the smart grid landscape. Traversing across the years of innovation and technology advancement, Allan Lagasca – ST’s smart grid honcho draws the company’s innovative journey on building a sustainable and […]

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