CERC Notifies Draft Regulations 2022 for Issuance of RECs

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has notified Draft Regulations, 2022, for the issuance of renewable energy certificates (RECs), which are aimed at developing the renewable power market. CERC has invited comments, suggestions, and objections from the relevant stakeholders and interested persons with respect to the Draft Regulations. The responses are to be sent on […]

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Settle CIL Case with SECI Directly, Not in Court, CERC tells Adani Solar

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission has declined to accord the ‘in-principle approval’ sought by Adani Solar for a ‘Change in Law’ event with regards to its PPA with SECI for a 50 MW solar plant in Rajasthan. In November 2018, Adani Solar Energy Four Private Limited (formerly known as Kilaj Solar (Maharashtra) Private Limited) (ASEFPL) entered […]

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CERC Accords Approval to New Power Exchange Proposal

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has approved Pranurja Solutions Limited’s request to be permitted to change its name and to set up and operate a power exchange, subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions laid by the commission. In 2018, Pranurja petitioned CERC, seeking the grant of registration to establish and operate a power […]

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CERC pushes Developers to settle Change in law issues with SECI directly, not in court

In two recent judgements, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) rejected projects developers’ plea to intervene in the cases of claims arising out of Change in Law (CIL) events before the petitioners had attempted to mutually settle the matter with the parties involved in their respecting Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), i.e. the Solar Energy Corporation of […]

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CERC Eases Rules, Compliances For Generators, REC Certificates

As part of its ongoing efforts to ensure ease of doing business, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has come out with a suo-motu order on January 22, published on its site on January 24, that relooks some of the rules and compliances mandated for power generators. The new revisions cover rules linked to procedures, […]

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Delayed Captive Status of Solar Plant No Cause to Deny REC, finds CERC

In a case involving refusal to issue of Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) due to late recognition of a solar plant’s captive status, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) ruled in favour of petitioner Suryakant Gupta, the owner of Rajaram Maize Products, who installed a 4.8 MW solar power plant on his own land in Chhattisgarh for captive […]

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CERC Votes For Mutual Settlement Of Disputes In ‘Change In Law’ Petitions

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC), in a series of recent orders, has decisively pushed parties  petitioning for ‘change in law’ situations to settle their disputes with mutual discussions and understanding. By doing this, the CERC is simply sticking to the letter of the agreements signed in these cases, which do have a provision for […]

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CERC Agrees With Tata Motors, Allows One time Relaxation For Issue of RECs

In an interesting order published yesterday, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has provided relief to Tata Motors (petitioner), on a plea the latter made against the respondent, National Load Despatch Centre (NLDC) in  the matter of issuance of the Renewable Energy Certificates to the Petitioner for the specified period. The Issue: Tata Motors, which […]

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CERC Declines To Step in For Change In Law Petition From Mahindra Renewables

In a recent judgement, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) rejected Mahindra Renewables Private Limited’s arguments in its petition regarding Change of Law (CIL) rules with respect to a power purchase agreement (PPA) signed with Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI) in December 2018. Mahindra Renewables petitioned CERC, seeking that the imposition of safeguard duty on […]

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