Uttar Pradesh

UPERC confers Dayalbagh Educational Institute with recognition for harnessing solar power

The Dayalbagh Educational Institute (DEI) has received recognition from the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission for its work in harnessing solar power and spreading awareness among students about saving energy. The university has been successful in meeting a major portion of its own electricity demand and distributes its surplus energy to local colonies in Dayalbagh. […]

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Azure power raises 470 million dollars financing for its solar projects

Azure Power, a leading independent power producer in the solar power sector in India, announces it has tied-up approximately US$ 470 million financing for its projects to be commissioned in 2017. This is one of the largest financing done till date in the Indian solar sector. With this tie-up Azure Power’s cumulative financial commitment to […]

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5200 Megawatts Solar Capacity to be added in 2016-17

India is set to add 5200 MW solar capacity this fiscal year with various states coming out with policies for the sector. The reports from a study conducted by the ratings agency, CARE, it is estimated that out of total installed renewable energy capacity of 42750 MW as on 31st March, the solar energy share […]

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SolaireDirect bags 75MW solar power project in Uttar Pradesh

French multinational electric utility company ENGIE through its subsidiary Solairedirect has won a 75 MW solar power project in Uttar Pradesh. The firm has quoted viability gap funding (VGF) of Rs.7.435 million/MW. Last week Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) awarded a 50MW project to Indian conglomerate RattanIndia Power in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh with VGF […]

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US Company rejigs UP Mini-Grid Solar Policy

Just after the UP state government proposed a mini-grid policy to electrify the rural grounds of the state, a U.S. company has extended interest to electrify 1,000 villages by setting up mini-grids powered by solar energy. Rockfeller foundation has partnered with OMC-Powers’ to invest US $ 4.5 million (around Rs 30 crore) for retro-fitting of […]

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Maharashtra, UP gets Tough Solar Targets for 2022

The MNRE has recently handed over red-letters to solar-friendly states underlining targets and deadline for renewable energy generation and absorption. The letter pronounces Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh into the challenging solar energy targets by 2022, asserting Maharashtra to increase 30 times solar capacity to its existing 378.7 MW generating 11,926 MW. UP also has a […]

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76,000 of LED Lamps to Light Up Streets of Rural Uttar Pradesh

More than 800 provincial towns in Uttar Pradesh and known to be India’s most crowded locale will be lit with 76,000 solar based road lighting units supported by Philips Lighting. The blueprint is drawn jointly by the state Chief Minister, Philips Lighting and the Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency. Krishnan Pallassana, Director […]

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