US Department of Energy (DOE)

5 Interesting Green Ventures That Have the US’s DOE Backing Them

There’s a lot of promising green energy startups and concepts out there that end up getting shuttered because of a lack of funding. Whether the lack is because they failed to raise publicity or their ideas being too ahead for their time, there are a multitude of reasons as to why a perfectly good idea […]

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Biden Invests $366 Mn To Lower Energy Cost In Remote Communities

US President Joe Biden announced a $366 million investment for 17 projects across 20 states and 30 communities. This investment announcement is part of President Biden’s investing in America agenda, under the US Department of Energy (DOE) to accelerate clean energy deployment in rural and remote areas across the country. This funding was made possible […]

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US Announces $104mn Investment Plan For New Net-Zero Facilities

The US Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced $104 million for energy conservation and clean energy projects at 31 Federal facilities. The latest step is part of President Biden’s strategy to re-establish the federal government as a sustainability leader. The funding announced by the President is part of the DOE’s Assisting Federal Facilities with Energy […]

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KORE Power Chosen by Energy Vault for US Battery Production from 2025 Onward

Swiss energy storage firm, Energy Vault, has chosen KORE Power, a company based in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, to supply batteries produced domestically. The anticipated launch of Phase 1 at the KOREPlex facility in Arizona is set for 2025. A Master Supply Agreement was announced earlier this week, outlining an initial delivery capacity of 1.3 GWh […]

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Sila: Leading Clean Transition With Silicon Anode-Lithium-ion Batteries

In our continuing series on battery tech and other firms to watch in the energy space, today we place the spotlight on Sila. Sila is a battery tech company co-founded by a former Tesla engineer Gene Berdichevsky, also the CEO of Sila, Gleb Yushin, a Professor of Materials Science at Georgia Institute of Technology and […]

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US-Based CalWave Completes Open-Ocean Wave Energy Pilot Project Successfully

After 10 months of nonstop operation off the coast of San Diego, US-based wave energy developer company CalWave has completed its open-ocean wave energy pilot project. The project, which began operations in September 2021, was sponsored by the US Department of Energy (DOE) to showcase CalWave’s scalable and patented xWaveTM technology as a cost-effective, sustainable […]

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States Leading the Move to Wind Power in the U.S.

As of 2022, wind power is the largest renewable energy source in the United States. The amount of electricity generated from wind power has grown significantly in the past 30 years. The total installed wind capacity in the United States was over 130 GW by the end of 2021. This was exceeded only by China on […]

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