
Japan Researchers Study Potential Of Potassium-Ion Batteries

A research team from the Tokyo University of Science- (TUS), Japan, has recently conducted a study to gain insights into Potassium-ion batteries (KIBs), an alternative to conventional Lithium-ion batteries. The results of the study was recently published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Lithium-ion batteries have gained major traction with the increased deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) […]

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Battery Swapping Can Reduce EV Costs Drastically: Kavinder Khurana, MD, TeslaPower

Why Tesla Power USA invested in India. How much potential do you see here? Tesla Power USA is a United States (US)-based entity. It has invested heavily in battery rejuvenation technology. The company was launched in India in September 2021. Globally, it operates in 18 countries. It includes four countries in Latin America, seven in […]

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Power Ministry Issues Guidelines For Faster Roll Out Of Charging Infra For EV’s

The Union Ministry of Power has promulgated the revised consolidated Guidelines & Standards for Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles (EV) on 14th January,2022. The objective seek to enable a faster adoption of electric vehicles in India by ensuring access to  quality, readily available and  affordable Charging Infrastructure and eco-system. The guidelines should help energise the […]

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Clean Energy, Powered by Clean Technology, is Critical for India: Kant

Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant has said that clean energy is critical for India and it must achieve it by getting into cutting-edge technology. Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant, while addressing a virtual book launch event organised by the Observer Research Foundation, has said that clean energy is critical for India and that it is important for the […]

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Committed to Advanced Technology and Replace Coal-Fired Plants: RK Singh

RK Singh has said that India is strongly committed to its renewable energy targets and that it is working towards advancing the technology that is adopted Union Minister for Power and New & Renewable Energy RK Singh has affirmed that India is strongly committed to its renewable energy targets and that it is constantly working […]

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LONGi Solar Unveils New Module Encapsulation Technology

The Seamless Soldering technology, when combined with innovative module design, has the potential to push the company’s high-efficiency PERC module power record to 500Wp. Chinese solar PV major, LONGi Solar has announced that the company has developed the technology of “Seamless Soldering”, which completely eliminates the gap between cells and increases the efficiency of PV modules. […]

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Vikram Solar to Launch Half-Cut-Cell Solar Module at REI 2018

The new modules by Vikram Solar are based on the latest half-cell technology that increases module output by over 15 Wp per module compared to standard PV modules. Leading solar solutions provider, Vikram Solar has affirmed the launch of its half-cut-cell solar module at the annual 3-day Renewable Energy India Expo 2018 (REI 2018) to […]

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Blockchain – from Nowhere to Everywhere

One day, the energy grid could look completely different than it does today. Instead of big power plants sending electrons over long distances to people’s homes, we might generate more power locally using solar panels, and homeowners might become makers and traders of power as well as passive consumers. If so, blockchain technology could help […]

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Infineon Partners with Smart Wires to Shape up Existing Grids for Renewables

Infineon Technologies has partnered with Smart Wires on the design of the SmartValve, which is a can be controlled through the utility’s energy management system or programmed to respond automatically to a wide variety of grid conditions. Infineon Technologies is partnering with Smart Wires on the design of the SmartValve. Infineon announced its collaboration with […]

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