Sungrow Power

Inverter Major Sungrow Overtakes Longi By Market Cap

Sungrow, the no 1 solar inverter firm by most rankings, has crossed the market valuation of module maker LONGi, long seen as the largest solar equipment form out of China. With year-end revenues of RMB72.25 billion (US$9.9 billion) for 2023, the Sungrow stock surged to the highest market cap among Chinese PV firms. Revenues of […]

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As Solar Spreads Out, Marketing Makes an Entrance

Just over 30 months ago, SaurEnergy did a feature on rooftop solar, “Residential Solar. Market Yes, But Marketing?” That story, in our April 2020 issue talked about the potential in the rooftop solar category, albeit, residential. But there was almost complete lack of formal marketing tactics from firms to attract customers. The few firms with […]

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From MW to GW: A Change that Describes India’s Solar Journey Since 2014

Every industry evolves its own jargon as it grows. In solar industry in India, the biggest change has been the shift in the language used to express deal sizes and ambition today. Megawatts (MW) to Gigawatts (GW) is a game changer. It was an innocuous looking invite, like many the editorial team receives each day. […]

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Sungrow Power to Supply Inverters to 100 MWp Vietnam Solar Project

The project, for which Sungrow Power will supply its inverters, is settled on brownfield sites which offer excellent natural conditions for generating power from sun and expects to generate 150 GWh of clean energy annually after the project’s completion.   China based inverter solution supplier Sungrow Power Supply Company has inked a pact with Dai […]

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