Solar Cells

Solar Cells with Ferroelectric Crystal Lattice Produce 1,000 Times More Power

Researchers from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), Germany, have developed a lattice arrangement of three different layers of ferroelectric crystals that induced a powerful effect in solar cells. The researchers believe that on integration with the ferroelectric crystal lattice, the solar cells can become thousand times more powerful. They say that combining ultra-thin layers of […]

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Scientists in Germany Develop Cost-effective Solar Cell Deposition Method

Researchers led by the Technical University of Ilmenau in Germany claim that if silicon dioxide (SiO2) films are deposited at room temperature without complex vacuum systems, they can be a good, cost-effective candidate for use in commercial c-Si solar cell production lines. SiO2 deposition is used as a passivation layer or a protective layer in various types […]

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Researchers say rubidium Doping & 2D Capping assure perovskite stability

In a new paper entitled ‘Unraveling the compositional heterogeneity and carrier dynamics of alkali cation doped 3D/2D perovskites with improved stability’, first published on 11th December 2020 in the journal Materials Advances, scientists at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology offer a new method- rubidium doping & 2D capping- to enhance the stability of perovskite […]

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Solar Power Technology Continues To Wait On the Promise Of Perovskite Cells

Scientists today are using perovskite materials, named after a little known 19th Century Russian mineralogist and nobleman Count Lev Perovski, to make solar cells more efficient and adaptable than ever before. The material was first discovered in Russia’s Ural Mountains in 1839 by Gustav Rose and became fairly common in later decades wherein it was […]

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