SECI invites engagement of Advisor/Consultant for developing business prospects under Solar Pumping Programme

Solar Energy Corporation of India Ltd. has invited applications from eligible Indian National for engagement as Consultant/Advisor for developing business prospects under its Solar Pumping Scheme. The contract period is initially for a period of 06 months and can be terminated by giving a prior notice of minimum 2 (two) weeks and may be extended […]

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CPWD to Generate 42.50MW of Green Energy in the Capital

After the COP 21 Paris meet, Modi government has planned to keep the focus on utilization of renewable energy from 2016. As a part of the promotional program of Green Energy, the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) said that, ‘It plans to produce 42.50MW of solar power across the country besides replacing energy inefficient electrical […]

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CSE Claims about the Lack of Interest in Solar Thermal of India

With an end goal to comprehend why the solar thermal power division has not been empowered for power generation and other applications, Centre of Science and Environment (CSE) sorted out a conference recently, on the titled ‘The forgotten solar: Solar thermal and its development’. According to CSE report, states of concentrated solar in India, which […]

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MNRE Endorsed a Scheme to Erect 50MW Solar Plants for People Eye

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Govt. of India has licensed a scheme to establish 50MW solar power capacity plants in the public areas. A released report of MNRE states that, ‘The tasks will be set up in high visibility areas, such as major cities, where land cost is high, but people can visit […]

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U.P Solar Auction Goes to Adani Power and Azure Power

Adani Power and Azure Power have won the most recent auction for solar energy ventures with offers of Rs 4.78 per unit, which is higher than the previous month record (Rs 4.34 per unit). Prayatna Developers, a division of Adani Power and Azure Power have been assigned 50MW at the same cost. In the past […]

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Russian Agency Assist to Establish Massive Solar Plants in India

The Russian Energy Agency (REA) and Solar Energy Corp. of India (SECI) plans to team up on few substantial scales Solar PV plants in India by 2022. The two entities signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on December 24, plotting the terms of the partnership. According to sources, one of its objectives will be to […]

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Cabinet to install 15,000Mw Grid Connected Solar PV Power with NTPC

The Cabinet in a row to revive the National Solar Plan accredited the scheme of installing 15,000Mw Grid connected Solar PV Power through NTPC across three tranches. The Three Tranches will be: 3000 MW under Tranche-l under component of Packaging with Unallocated Coal based Warm Power and settled levies 5,000 MW under Tranche-ll with some […]

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