
Researchers Improve Safety of Lead-Based Perovskite Solar Cells

Researchers at NREL have developed a technique to sequester the lead used to make perovskite solar cells, a highly efficient emerging PV technology. Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Northern Illinois University (NIU) have developed a technique to sequester the lead used to make perovskite solar cells, a highly efficient emerging photovoltaic […]

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Solar PV Sources Emit More CO2 Than Geothermal : Study

A new research has revealed that Solar PV cells emit more carbon dioxide (CO2) than geothermal power plants during their lifetime. New research published in the journal Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources has revealed that Solar photovoltaic (PV) cells emit more carbon dioxide (CO2) than geothermal power plants during their lifetime. According to […]

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Okaya Partners With IIT Delhi for “VRFB” Battery Research

Okaya Power Group has announced that it has associated with IIT Delhi as an Industry Partner for a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VRFB) research project. Okaya Power Group (OPG), a leading battery and power backup products manufacturing company has announced that it has associated with IIT Delhi, the country’s premier institution of engineering and technology […]

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MNRE Invites Proposals For Development of Gravity Storage Projects

The specific objective of the proposal is to develop a prototype system integrating renewable energy with gravity storage. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has been supporting a research programme on different aspects of renewable energy and energy storage. With an increasing share of renewables, there would be a requirement of Energy Storage […]

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$130 Mn Grant For Early-Stage Solar Research Project

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $130 million for new research to advance early-stage solar technologies. These projects will help to achieve affordable and reliable energy to enhance America’s economic growth and energy security. “Solar is an integral part of the Administration’s ‘all-of-the-above’ energy strategy,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry. “This cutting-edge, […]

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US DOE Grants $28 Mn in Funding For Wind Energy Research

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced up to $28.1 million in funding aimed at advancing wind energy nationwide across the land-based, offshore and distributed wind sectors. While utility-scale wind energy in the United States has grown to 90 GW, significant opportunities for cost reductions remain, especially in the areas of offshore wind, distributed […]

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Policy and Technology Helped Drive Solar Module Cost Down: Study

Policy support by respective governments has been touted as a major reason for this dramatic price drop With the price of solar energy becoming increasingly competitive each day, it is crucial to know why the cost of solar panels and solar energy storage have been dropping. This is what a team of researchers from Massachusetts […]

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Organic Molecule Offering 12.25% Energy Efficiency Discovered

Scientists achieved a certified energy efficiency of 12.25 percent on an area of one square centimeter In a breakthrough development, scientists from University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) have discovered a new organic molecule that absorbs more light than the conventional silicon used in solar cells. Teaming up with partners from the South China University of Technology […]

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Extensive Wind, Solar Farms Vow Rains in Sahara

Substantiating the statement, the scientists told that large-scale wind and solar farms in the Sahara could provide enough energy to replace the fossil fuel energy used currently and in the foreseeable future. As a speculative breather to the dry and scanty Sahara Desert, Scientists of University of Maryland asserts that large scale wind and solar […]

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