Thinking Solar Energy? 7 Easy Ways to Get cost effective Solar Today

The present has to do something with past, any technology which has scratched heads today might have footprints of early centuries. In 200 BC, Archimedes method of using concentrated sun’s rays through the mirror to set fire enemies should have churned reasons for unbelievable applications in solar power today.  Disregard the figures of global warming […]

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ArcelorMittal to Construct 500 – 600MW Solar Plant in India

ArcelorMittal aims to establish 500 – 600MW solar power plant in Karnataka -India instead of the Steel Mill. The company spokeswoman said that, ‘In view of current market conditions in the global steel industry and uncertainty in raw material availability, ArcelorMittal would like to utilize the acquired land in Karnataka for a meaningful purpose of […]

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Indian Govt to Dispatch an Incentives Scheme for Solar Power Plants

The Indian Govt. is working on incentives scheme for solar power projects, generating capacity of 3,000MW or above. The authority has reported that incentives scheme is like to assign in the forthcoming Fiscal Year 2016-2017. ‘An interministerial committee led by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) Secy will secure the report very soon, […]

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