offshore wind

EU Works for Timely Realisation of 300MW Offshore Wind Target

In a report adopted by the European Parliament, the Members of European Parliament (MEPs) have charted out a roadmap on faster deployment of offshore wind in the continent to timely arrest global warming and climate change. This is in line with the ‘EU Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy’ that sets out the goals of reaching 60 […]

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Sweden Embarks on 120 TWh Offshore Wind Energy

Sweden has come up with a massive new marine plan wherein the government has committed itself to develop 120 TWh offshore wind energy in the coming few years to fulfil the power needs of the country. The Swedish Energy Agency has already identified three key areas to begin with. The Swedish government has identified three […]

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Corporate PPA market overtakes utility PPA’s in Europe in 2021, changes foreseen

Corporate contracted capacity in Europe hit 6.5GW in 2021, versus  4.6GW for utility PPAs, making it the first time corporate PPA’s overtook utility PPA’s in Europe. This is disclosed in a report by renewable advisory firm, Pexapark, in its report titled European PPA Market Outlook 2022.  The resurgence of corporate PPA’s, at a time when […]

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Norway to Launch 1.5 GW Offshore Wind Tender in Late 2022

Norway will launch its first tender for offshore wind turbines in the southern North Sea later this year. The government has confirmed that the project will be bottom-fixed to develop 1.5 GW of electricity meant to power the Norwegian mainland. The growth of Norway’s offshore wind industry would enable the country to transition from oil […]

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UK Grants 1st Reactive Power Contract to Offshore Wind Farm

The National Grid ESO of the United Kingdom (UK) has awarded a contract to an offshore wind farm to help keep voltage levels in the national power network stable. As per the National Grid ESO, the contract is the first of its kind in the UK. The contract is for a ten-year period which will […]

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China Now A Superpower In Offshore Wind Too, With Highest Installs In 2021

Offshore Wind, one of the last renewable energy bastions where European manufacturers and countries still dominated, has finally seen China arrive in style in 2021. Figures shared across multiple sources including the National Energy Administration of China place China’s offshore wind capacity additions in 2021 at 17 GW. That figure takes total offshore wind capacity […]

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Tata Steel UK Plant Helps Build World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm

Steel made at Tata Steel’s Port Talbot plant in Wales is behind the world’s largest offshore wind farm due to be completed by 2026, the Indian steel major said on Wednesday. The Dogger Bank Wind Farm, capable of providing green energy for 6 million homes in the UK, will make use of steel processed into […]

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Wind Energy Fight Escalates, As Europe Imposes Tariffs On Chinese Steel Turbine Towers

Europe’s focus on protecting its lead in Wind Energy sector, especially offshore wind in recent times, has just escalated with the European Commission imposing tariffs of upto 19.2% on China-origin steel wind turbine towers. According to the EU statement, it found that Chinese firms had dumped about 300 million euros ($337 million) a year worth […]

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Denmark Plans Island To Mainland Strategy For Power Transmission, Using Wind Energy

Even as we wrote about the top 3 transcontinental transmission lines to carry solar power across continents, we track news from Europe about major wind generation plans using artificial and natural islands, in the North Sea and Baltic Sea respectively. At the centre of both these plans is Denmark, the wind energy leader, which hopes […]

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