
Driving Greater Efficiency Through Technological Innovation

Technological excellence can change the world as history testifies from the steam engine and the telephone, to the airplane and the internet, many successful inventions have relied on smarter use of technology to transform how we live, work, travel and communicate. It’s marvellous how these inventions have become so integral to our lives – and […]

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In a First: Solar Panels That Store Both Electricity and Heat

Building-integrated PV cells that supply both heat and electricity have been developed at SINTEF’s solar cell lab in Trondheim. One answer to new energy demands of the world is to install building-integrated PV (BIPV) cells, either in the form of roof tiles or facade elements. However, the feasibility of this will require lower costs and […]

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China Plans to Launch a Space-Based Solar Power Station by 2025

According to China’s Science and Technology Daily, the country’s researchers are working on a solar power station they will send to outer space. China’s Academy of Space Technology is working on an orbital power plant that would capture solar energy in space and beam it back to Earth. The scientists in Chongqing, China have plans […]

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Solar-Based Flexible Supercapacitor Could Unlock Wearable Tech

The technology developed by researchers from the University of Glasgow in the UK could pave the way for a new generation of flexible electronic devices, including solar-powered prosthetics for amputees. A team led by an Indian-origin scientist has developed a flexible supercapacitor which can generate power from the sun and store excess energy for later use.  The […]

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Organic Solar Cells have a Role to Play in Renewable Energy

The organic solar cell can store much larger quantities of solar energy than other solar technologies due to its high optical absorption coefficients.   One growing area of research is the organic solar cells (photovoltaic), a solar cell technology. It has several promising advantages, including its lightweight, large surface area, low cost, and robustness. The […]

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Solaria’s New Innovation! PowerXT 430Wp Module for Commercial Properties

The company’s new patented modules maximize system power and performance through delivering high power and highly aesthetically-pleasing PV panels. Solar module technologies provider Solaria Corporation has introduced its latest innovation in its industry-leading efficiency roadmap, the SolariaPowerXT 430Wp, optimized for commercial applications. Further, this new module is now available through the company and its leading […]

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Scientists’ New Innovation Will Boost Solar Fuel Efficiency

Scientists around the globe are chipping away at the advancement of solar fuel innovation. The examination includes creating supportable powers utilizing just daylight, CO2, and water, the essential fixings utilized by plants. Scientists from the University of Twente have made noteworthy effectiveness upgrades to the innovation used to produce solar fuels. This includes the immediate transformation of […]

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Scientists have developed new ‘smart’ sunglasses that can generate electric power

Scientists have designed new ‘smart’ solar glasses incorporated with coloured, semi-transparent organic solar cells that can generate electric power Scientists have designed new ‘smart’ solar glasses incorporated with coloured, semi-transparent organic solar cells that can generate electric power enough to operate devices such as hearing aids or step counters. Organic solar cells are flexible, transparent, […]

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