
Severe Dust Storm Hit Bikaner Solar Farm; Is Solar India Ready to Face it?

Lots of people are sharing a video on the whatsapp groups showing – How severely the storm hit ‘Solar Farm’ situated in the Bikaner city of Rajasthan state. A high-intensity dust storm followed by thunder showers wreaked havoc in parts of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan overnight, leaving more than 70 people dead and various other […]

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Highest-Ever Quarterly Solar Addition in The Country

During the first quarter(Q1) of 2017 the highest power capacity addition notched 3.3 gigawatts. These remarkable figures are a result of the busy auctions India witnessed at State and Central level. During the first three months of the year 2018, India witnessed its highest-ever solar power capacity. According to the data released by the government, […]

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Goa Govt to Provide Solar Lamps for Forest-Dwellings 

The permission will be sought from the forest department, which is a requirement in wildlife protected areas, to provide  solar lamps to interested households. The Goa Energy Development Agency and the power department jointly to provide solar lamps to the households who don’t have access to power and are living in remote forest areas of the state. […]

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India-Japan to Work Together for Energy Security, Energy Access and Climate Change Issues

During the meeting, both the countries agreed to initiate the discussion towards development of Electric Vehicles (EVs) by collaborating with “Policy dialogue on next generation/ zero emission vehicles”. India and Japan have agreed on further strengthening of bilateral energy cooperation for energy development of both countries, and also contributing to worldwide energy security, energy access […]

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Renewables Replacing Conventional Energy to Cut Fossil Emission in India: Study

Due to the rapid growth in solar energy sector it is possible that the sector will garner a share of at least 48 percent in India’s electricity generation capacity by 2030, the study further finds. India is making significant progress towards meeting climate commitments and is on course to surpass its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) […]

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Govt Kicks off Pilot Scheme to Procure 2500 MW Power for 3-Yrs

The Ministry of Power said in a statement that, it had recently issued the model bid documents, model PAPP and PPSA on 6th April 2018. The government has launched a pilot scheme for the procurement of aggregate 2500 MW power on a competitive basis for three years under medium term i.e. from generators with commissioned projects […]

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Gujarat Hints India’s Largest Solar Park

The bottlenecks for the development of park are likely to be less as the state has already procured the land identified for the project. The project will be able to move at a rapid pace. Government officials also reportedly said that no separate environmental clearance would be required either. The sun-borne state of India, Gujarat […]

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Govt Clears ‘Electrified’ Villages Definition

The Ministry of Power in a statement said that, village electrification is a legacy issue which, though, mandates electrification of at least 10 percent households in a village, but does not imply restricting household electrification only to 10 percent. After government faced criticism from the opposition parties on its claim of achieving complete rural electrification, the […]

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