IEA Task Force Develops BIPV Toolkit To Make Evaluation Simpler

One of the more obvious, but less appreciated fact about the world in 2050 is that possibly 60% of the building stock of 2050 is yet to be built. For Solar, that figure might be closer to 80% or more for 2035. That makes a case for evaluating new technologies and their impact with a […]

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Global PV Cumulative Capacity Rose To 1.6 TW In 2023: IEA

International Energy Agency’s International Power Photovoltaic System Program (IEA-PVPS) recent report found the global PV cumulative capacity grew to 1.6 TW in 2023. IEA-PVPS a collaborative R&D Agreements established within the IEA in its recent study showed, “1 581 GW of minimum installed cumulative capacity was installed by the end of 2023. At least 407.3 […]

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