European Green Deal

European Commission Approves €400 Mn Renewable Energy aid for Denmark

The European Commission has approved an aid scheme worth EUR 400 million to help Denmark reach its renewable energy targets The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a Danish aid scheme to support electricity production from renewable sources. The measure will help Denmark reach its renewable energy targets without unduly distorting competition […]

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Solving Permission Issues key to Post Pandemic Green Recovery in Italy: WindEurope

The European Union’s 2018 Renewable Energy Directive demands that the Member States simplify and shorten their permitting processes. Italy has the 5th largest amount of installed wind energy capacity in Europe. In its final 2030 National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), the country aims at almost doubling its installed wind power capacity. The NECP plans […]

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Wind Energy – The Struggling Pillar of the European Green Deal: WindEurope

Wind is a natural pillar of the European Green Deal, but the sector is struggling and Europe is at risk of losing its global leadership on wind energy. When launching the European Green Deal in December President von der Leyen described it as the EU’s new growth strategy. The Industrial Strategy to be launched by […]

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European Commission Announces new Green Deal Worth €1 tn

The European Union is committed to becoming the first climate-neutral bloc in the world by 2050, announcing a green deal worth EUR 1 trillion to achieve that target. The European Union is committed to becoming the first climate-neutral bloc in the world by 2050. This requires significant investment from both the EU and the national […]

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