
Rooftop Subsidy in India

For the huge solar energy potential that remains untapped in India, a considerable amount constitutes of rooftops. With about 0.24bn households spread across the length and breadth of the country, there are enough roofs to generate 40 percent of the total solar generation target to be achieved by the government by 2022. A Solar PV […]

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MNRE complains CERC against solar power shut off by Discoms

The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy has lodge a complaint against discoms to the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) stating that some discoms are not fully evacuating the solar power available to them, resulting in losses for solar developers. Discoms have been arbitrarily shutting off power from solar projects, for varying lengths of time, […]

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MNRE Endorsed a Scheme to Erect 50MW Solar Plants for People Eye

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Govt. of India has licensed a scheme to establish 50MW solar power capacity plants in the public areas. A released report of MNRE states that, ‘The tasks will be set up in high visibility areas, such as major cities, where land cost is high, but people can visit […]

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