Cornell University

Bacteria Could Lead the Way for Cheap & Green Energy Storage: Study

Cornell University bioengineer Buz Barstow, Ph.D. ’09, is trying to solve a big problem: How to build a low-cost, environmentally friendly and large-scale system for storing and retrieving energy from renewable sources such as wind and solar. Currently, there are no sustainable methods for storing green energy, as batteries are environmentally toxic. The answer may […]

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Progress On Aluminium Based Storage Batteries

In recent time, capturing solar energy has been becoming quite affordable, but the cost and technology to store it, given that its supply is irregular, has not kept pace. Now, scientists at Cornell University in the US have developed cheap and long-lasting batteries using aluminium, a low-cost alternative that is abundant and has a well […]

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Researchers Develop New Battery that Charges within Seconds

Scientists have created the new battery architecture to address the demands for energy storage devices that can be charged faster.   Researchers from the Cornell University in the US have developed a novel self-assembling battery device that can be recharged within seconds and in future could power mobile devices. Scientists have created the new battery architecture to address the demands for energy storage […]

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