Tender For 40 kW Rooftop Solar Plant at NIELIT Calicut

Tender For 40 kW Rooftop Solar Plant at NIELIT Calicut

The last date of bid submission is March 12, 2019.

40 kW Rooftop Solar NIELIT Calicut

The National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) Calicut, an autonomous scientific society of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, has issued a tender for setting up of a rooftop solar power plant on campus.

The institute has invited bids from ANERT (Agency of Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology) empanelled agencies for the supply, installation and commissioning and service support for a 40kW, 3 phase solar power plant as per MNRE and ANERT specifications and terms and conditions under distributed generation of electricity through solar grid-connected power plant scheme of ANERT at NIELIT Calicut Hostels.

The power generated by the 40kW grid-connected solar power plant will be utilised for feeding the Light Distribution Board (LDB) consisting mainly of light and fan loads with the following configuration capable of fully utilising the solar power when available and to import shortage from mains supply or export excess power to grid.

The last date of bid submission is March 12, 2019, and the date for bid opening has been scheduled for March 13, 2019. All bidders will be required to submit an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs 50 thousand along with their bids.

For more information click here

Recently, the Public Works Department (PWD) of Amravati has issued tender inviting bids for selection of developers to set up cumulative 5 MW of solar capacity rooftop projects at various places distributed in 309 rest houses in different districts of Maharashtra. The rooftop solar projects will be developed under the RESCO mode.

The last date of bid submission is March 04, 2019, and the technical and financial bids will be opened on March 06, 2019. This time a pre-bid meeting has been scheduled for March 01, 2019, to address the concerns raised by prospective bidders. The estimated cost of the project is Rs 30 crore and all bidders must submit an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs 15 lakh along with their bids.

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Ayush Verma

Ayush is a staff writer at saurenergy.com and writes on renewable energy with a special focus on solar and wind. Prior to this, as an engineering graduate trying to find his niche in the energy journalism segment, he worked as a correspondent for iamrenew.com.
