SECI Opens Bids For 1 GW Solar Power Projects Across India

Highlights :

  • The tender placed 4th October as the last date for bid submission.
  • The tender placed the minimum contracted capacity for a bidder contracted capacity of 50 MW and a maximum of 500 MW,
SECI Opens Bids For 1 GW Solar Power Projects Across India SECI

The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) recently released a tender to select solar power developers for 1 GW Inter-State Transmission System (ISTS)-connected solar PV power projects in India. The tender placed 4th October as the last date for bid submission.

Under the scope of work, SECI mandates the solar power developer (SPD) to build the transmission network up to the interconnection/delivery point with the primary objective of supplying solar power to SECI at its own cost, as per the provisions of the RfS.

The tender also places the responsibility on the bidder to identify land, install, and take ownership of the project, along with obtaining connectivity, necessary approvals, and interconnection with the ISTS network, STU, or InSTS network (as applicable), to supply power to SECI.

For State Transmission Utility (STU) interconnection, the solar power developer (SPD) is expected to install the project in the same state where the buying entity is located. The projects selected under this scheme will involve the deployment of solar photovoltaic technology. However, the selection of projects will be technology-agnostic.

Project Size 

SECI in its tender offered a total capacity of 1,000 MW, for the selection of solar PV projects. Furthermore, SECI may allocate and tie up additional capacity of up to 1,000 MW under the ‘Greenshoe Option.’ The tender also placed the minimum contracted capacity for a bidder contracted capacity of 50 MW and a maximum of 500 MW, in the prescribed formats. The projects must be quoted in integral values only.

The tender said, “The total capacity to be allocated to a bidder, including its parent, affiliate, or ultimate parent, or any group company, shall be up to 500 MW (i.e., without exercising the Greenshoe Option). The evaluation of bids shall be carried out as described in document.”

The tender also said, “Multiple bids from the same company, including its parent, ultimate parent, affiliates, or group companies, will render all bids submitted by the group invalid. The responsibility for obtaining ISTS connectivity lies entirely with the SPD, and connectivity must be operational on or before June 30, 2025, at the SPD’s cost and in compliance with applicable regulations. In the case of projects set up in a solar park/RE park, applicable connectivity regulations will govern the SPD’s scope.”

Project Scope & Technology Selection

The tender also mandates the SPD to set up the project, including the transmission network up to the interconnection/delivery point, at its own cost and in accordance with the provisions of the RfS document. All approvals, permits, and clearances required for the project setup and/or the transmission network up to the interconnection/delivery point (including connectivity), including those required from the state government and local bodies, shall fall under the SPD’s scope. The projects selected under this scheme will involve the deployment of solar power technology. However, the selection of projects will be technology-agnostic.

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