Module Supply: SECI Awards 400 MWp Module Order to Alpex, Tata Power Solar

Highlights :

  • These bidders won the project for a tariff rate of Rs. 21.61/Wp.
Module Supply: SECI Awards 400 MWp Module Order to Alpex, Tata Power Solar Module Supply: SECI Awards 400 MWp Order to Alpex, Tata Power For Ramagiri Project

The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) recently announced Alpex Solar and Tata Power Renewable Energy Subsidiary, Tata Power Solar (TP Solar)  winners of its 400 Mwp modules tender. The tender intends to supply these solar modules at a Ramagiri project located in Andhra Pradesh. The tender for this project was released in November 2024 and the bidder was announced within two months. 

According to the tender results, Alpex secured a 97.5 MW project, whereas, TP Solar got a 292.5 MW project. These bidders won the project for a tariff rate of Rs. 21.61/Wp. Thus, SECI awarded 390 MW out of the total out of the total 400 MW capacity.  

Company Name Capacity Awarded (MW) Tariff (₹/kWh)
Alpex 97.5 MW Rs. 21.61/Wp
Tata Power Solar (TP Solar) 292.5 MW Rs. 21.61/Wp  

Previous Tenders: A Brief Comparison 

Last year, SECI awarded the project to Swelect Energy Systems, Grew Energy, and Renew Photovoltaics Pvt Ltd. While SECI awarded 100 MWp of capacity each to Swelect and Renew, it awarded 200 MWp of capacity to Grew. All of these bidders had their evaluated bid value of Rs 22.66/Wp. On the other hand, their bid value for MWp stood at  Rs 2,26,56,975 (Rs 2.26 crore/MWp). This makes the SECI’s latest solar module tender bids lower than its erstwhile project.

In a separate order, NTPC REL (Renewable Energy Limited) awarded the contracts for the supply of solar modules for its 1,255 MW solar project to three solar module manufacturers, namely, ReNew and Vikram Solar. The tender was floated in September 2023. The solar project is scheduled to come up at Khavda in Gujarat.

The 1,255 MW of solar projects comprise four adjacent blocks of 315 MW (three blocks) and one block of 310 MW. This included three available blocks for 397.7 MWp and one block for 391.5 MWp. The total capacity of module supply asked in the tender stood at 1584 MWp. NTPC REL had clarified that it intended to finance the package through its own resources or through external borrowings.

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