Report Bats For Boosting R&D On Agro Voltaics 

Report Bats For Boosting R&D On Agro Voltaics  Report Bats For Boosting R&D On Agro Voltaics 

A latest analysis by scholars at EMBER, an energy think tank said that the agro photovoltaic ecosystem needs more attention especially in the research and development segment. This, the researchers said is needed to boost the deployment of the system where solar power generation and agriculture go hand in hand without hindering its others avenues.

The report also said to bring the focus on farmers’ benefits. It said that the core of agri-PV legislation should prioritise the economic advantages and investment security for farmers. It is essential that these farmers receive support through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) subsidies. This support will help them adopt agri-PV technologies while maintaining their traditional farming activities, it said.

It also batted for including all agri-PV systems through a common legislation. It said that these legislations must cover all types of agri-PV systems, including interspaced agri-PV, to maximize potential benefits. Excluding certain types can limit the effectiveness of these systems. Evidence shows that with proper management, negative impacts on crop yields can be minimal. It is also crucial to preserve agricultural land for food production. This can be achieved through monitoring crop yields and setting minimum requirements,” it said. 

“Support Research and Development-Research and development (R&D) play a crucial role in advancing agri-PV technologies. Governments should fund R&D programs and pilot projects to address technical challenges. These efforts should focus on improving energy production, crop yields, and biodiversity,” the EMBER report said. 

It also batted for setting Agri-PV targets. “These targets in CAP-Agri-PV should have specific capacity targets and financial backing within the CAP Strategic Plans of each Member State. Setting clear targets can drive the development and integration of agri-PV systems,” it said.

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