Rajasthan To Allows Pvt Edu Centers To Use Net-Billing During Vacations

Rajasthan To Allows Pvt Edu Centers To Use Net-Billing During Vacations RERC Allows Pvt Edu Institutions To Use Net-Billing During Vacations

The Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) has now approved its proposal to allow educational institutions in Rajasthan (including private entities) to use net-billing provisions for their rooftop solar connections.

Earlier, the Commission had brought out a draft regulation to allow educational institutions to use the benefit of net-billing for two months in a year when the schools are closed and captive power demand reduces drastically. The draft rules named– RERC (Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2024 besides talking about this provision also proposed changes to a few other rules to expedite the growth of rooftop solar in the state.

The draft regulations while talking about the proposed provision had said, “Provided also that such Educational Institutions, recognized by Gol/GoR, which have opted for Net-Metering arrangement, may opt Net Billing for a period of any two months during a financial year, for which they have to intimate the distribution licensee before the commencement of such period.”

The suo motto order, approving the amendments said that during the course of the stakeholder consultation the Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (JVVNL) said that the move could create confusion to the discoms.

“The representative on behalf of Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd (JVVNL) during public hearing on 23.07.2024, submitted that according to the proposed amendment the eligible Educational Institution which is originally under Net-Metering arrangement may opt for Net- Billing arrangement for a period of any two months during financial year, which may cause confusion in the billing process of the Discoms,” RERC said in the order.

On this matter, RERC said, “The Commission also observes that Educational Institutions remain closed during vacations, which are predetermined due to which they are not able to consume power from the RE plant installed by them under Net-Metering arrangement and are not able to use the net billing mechanism even though such mechanism is specified in the Regulations. In order to address the above situation and to balance the interest of both the Educational Institution and Discoms, the Commission has proposed these amendments.”

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