Solar News

World’s Largest Floating Solar Power Plant to Be Built in Indonesia by UAE’s Masdar and PJB

The plant to be built in about 225 hectares of the Cirata hydroelectric plant reservoir. United Arab Emirates based company Abu Dhabi Future Energy Co (Masdar) and Indonesian power utility’s unit Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB) collaborated to build the ‘To Be’ world’s biggest floating photovoltaic plant of 200MW in PJB owned […]

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Rooftop Solar Presents a $23 Billion Opportunity in India: Report

Rooftop solar in India will grow inevitably with or without the support of power distribution utilities According to a new report released by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), India’s 40-GW target for rooftop solar PV by 2022 represents a $23 billion investment opportunity. The report titled, ‘Accelerating India’s Clean Energy Transition,’ which was released at […]

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MYSUN’s Marketing and Product Development Head Wins ‘Most Influential Marketing Leaders’ Award

The recognition comes from Arpit’s contribution to MYSUN’s incredible growth story. Arpit Verma, who leads Marketing and Product Development at Solar Solutions and Technology firm MYSUN, was cited as one of India’s ‘Most Influential Marketing Leaders’ by the World Marketing Congress. The recognition comes from Arpit’s contribution to MYSUN’s incredible growth story, which has made […]

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ABB Supplies Inverters to Power 20 MW Solar Project in Egypt

ABB said the 20 MW solar project in Egypt was commissioned this year in two phases, and was constructed by Complete Energy Solutions (CES). ABB has supplied its central inverters to power 20 MW solar project in Egypt developed by Middle Eastern EPC contractor Complete Energy Solutions (CES). According to the company statement, the 20 […]

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More Than 7.5MW of Projects are Installed By Gurugram’s Ultimate Sun Systems in Haryana

The company is also targeting to have expertise in conceiving, developing, and installing solar power plants for 25 new corporate clients in Haryana. Ultimate Sun Systems has now installed more than 7.5MW of Solar capacity projects in the developing state of Haryana in the FY 2016-2017.The benchmark has been by installing successful projects like a […]

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Tumbling Solar Prices Starts Claiming Victims as Trina Reconsiders India

Trina solar CEO says the Chinese company is reconsidering a planned India plant because prices there are now too low. The price of solar is tumbling across the world. And solar auctions are having their intended effect: Prices for developers are tumbling across Asia. While that’s good news for consumers, solar companies might have to […]

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World Bank’s IFC Funds CleanMax Solar with $15 Million

IFC also invested $125 million in Hero Future Energies, Hero Group’s renewable arm against an undisclosed equity stake. A senior executive from rooftop solar company CleanMax Solar has announced that the firm which is currently backed by American private equity giant Warburg Pincus has recently secured $15 million of funding against equity capital from International […]

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SOURCE Device Can Produce Up to 10 Liters of Water With the Help Solar Panels

A standard array of two panels will cost around $4500 including installation having a life span of at least 10 years. SOURCE device by Zero Mass Water is a rooftop solar device which produces water also with the electricity. The water is produced by harvesting water vapor from the air, condensing it to liquid. The […]

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ABB and HPE Bring Intelligence to Industrial Plants

ABB and HPE will deliver joint industry solutions that merge OT and IT to turn industrial data into insights and automatic action, combining widely-adopted cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure with IT systems running in corporate data centers and at the edge of the network. ABB and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) have announced a strategic global […]

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