O2 Power, Juniper Green, JSW and Datta Infra Win NTPC 1000 MW Hybrid Tender Award

O2 Power, Juniper Green, JSW and Datta Infra Win NTPC 1000 MW Hybrid Tender Award

NTPC’s 1000 MW Hybrid power tender (NTPC Tranche VI) finally has a winners roster. Leading in terms of allotment is JSW Neo Energy ( 300 MW), O2 Power’s  TEQ Green Power IX Pvt Limited ( 250 MW), Juniper Green Energy Private Limited (150 MW), and  Datta Infra’s Adyant Enersol Private Limited with a 70 MW allotment. While Juniper recorded the lowest bid at Rs 3.43/unit, the rest bid at Rs 3.45 to win. Missing out due to a variance of 0.87% from the lowest bid is Avaada Energy which bid for 500 MW.

The tender allows bidders to set up ISTS connected solar and Wind energy projects   anywhere in India.

Notable winners this time have been Datta Infra, that has probably got the largest bid ever for itself this time, besides the steady addition to JSW Neo’s pipeline with yet another significant tender that has a significant wind component.  Datta Infra hitherto has been involved in helping renewable firms acquire land for renewable projects, besides providing other ancillary egal services.

The tender from NTPC had been announced in March this year , with the last date for bids in April. The Single Stage Two Envelope approach consisted of Envelope-I: Technical Bid and Envelope-II: Financial Bid, in addition to Reverse Auction which was concluded recently.

India’s wind energy is seeing a strong resurgence this year on the back of mounting orders backed by a pipeline of hybrid, FDRE and RTC tenders. Momentum is expected to be maintained and industry experts expect to see wind energy additions touch over 4 GW per annum by 2025-26.

The winning price of Rs 3.43 remains well within acceptable limits for Hybrid tenders, and experts opine that these prices are sustainable with marginally lower rates also possible in future bids.

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