NTPC has issued a tender for the commission of an 870 kW grid-connected rooftop solar PV plant
NTPC Limited has issued a tender, inviting bids from eligible firms for the commission of an 870 kW grid-connected rooftop solar PV plant at the NTPC Vindhyachal Stage-2 TG Hall.
The scope of work for the selected bidders will include the design, engineering, manufacturing, supply, erection, and commissioning on turnkey basis of the 870 kWp grid-connected rooftop solar PV plant. The project developers will also be required to provide comprehensive operation and maintenance (O&M) of the plant for a period of one year from successful commissioning.
The last date for bid submission is December 27, 2019, and the techno-commercial bids will be opened on December 30, 2019. The date and time of opening of the price bids will be intimated to the technically cleared bidders later. All bidders must also submit an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs 5 lakh along with their bids.
To be eligible for participating in the bidding process, the bidders should have experience of having successfully designed, supplied, erected/ supervised erection and commissioned/ supervised commissioning of solar power plant(s) of cumulative installed capacity of 700 kWp or higher, out of which at least one plant should have been of 100 kWp or higher capacity. The reference plant of 100 kWp or higher capacity should have been in successful operation for at least six months prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening.
Financially, the bidders must have an average annual turnover, in the preceding three financial years as on the date of techno-commercial bid opening, not less than Rs 3.56 crore.
In November, NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam (NVVN) has issued a tender, inviting bids from eligible parties for setting up of 7.2 MW rooftop solar projects in Mandideep Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
In October, NTPC has issued two tenders, inviting bids from eligible bidders for setting up of grid-connected solar rooftop projects worth a combined 130 kW capacity to be developed in Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh.