NTPC- REL Invites BOS Bids For 1110 MW Wind Project In Karnataka

Highlights :

  • Period of downloading of bidding documents is from 29.04.2024 to 09.05.2024 and the last date and time for receipt of bids comprising both Techno-Commercial Bid and Price Bid is 27.05.2024 15:00:00 (IST)
NTPC- REL Invites BOS Bids For 1110 MW Wind Project In Karnataka NTPC REL

NTPC Renewable Energy Limited (NTPC REL) released a tender inviting online bids for Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) connected wind energy project with a nominal capacity of 1110 MW in Bijapur region, Karnataka, Tranche – II

The tender invited shared details for detailed design, engineering, micro-siting, manufacturing, supply, erection, testing, commissioning, and proving the guaranteed performance parameters. The NTPC REL invited tender for installation of the offered wind farm starting from 33kV internal evacuation lines from unit substation, pooling substation, central monitoring and control station (CMCS), wind monitoring mast(s), external EHV transmission line till ISTS substation etc. (Supply, Civil Works and Installation of Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs), unit substation & SCADA are not in the scope of Wind BOS Development package.) The offered wind project is expected to be inter-connected to ISTS Sub-station at Bijapur, Karnataka.

The document laid down the specification according to which, the offered wind project by the bidder is expected to be compatible for installation of any WTG of size ranging from 3.0 MW to higher WTG Machine size as available in market. The WTG machine shall be RLMM listed. All agreements, statutory approvals and clearances such as power evacuation/ ISTS grid connectivity, environmental, central/ state nodal renewable energy agency, electrical, forest, etc. as required/ applicable. 3 years Comprehensive operation & maintenance of the complete system under Wind BOS Development package scope including pooling substation, internal and external transmission system along with supply of all spare parts, consumables, repairs/ replacement of any defective equipment, payment of applicable charges levied by the respective state govt. etc.

Period of downloading of bidding documents is from 29.04.2024 to 09.05.2024

Pre Bid Conference and Last Date for receipt of queries from prospective Bidders – 13.05.2024

Last Date and Time for receipt of bids comprising both Techno-Commercial Bid and Price Bid – 27.05.2024 15:00:00 (IST)

Date & Time of opening of TechnoCommercial Bid – 27.05.2024 15:30:00 (IST)

Cost of Bidding Documents in INR – INR 22,500/- (Indian Rupees TwentyTwo Thousand Five hundred only)

All bids must be accompanied by “Bid Security Declaration” in lieu of Bid Security in the form as stipulated in the Bidding Documents.

The document mentioned the technical criteria included, “The Bidder should have executed/ got executed following works for Wind Project(s) of cumulative capacity 40 MW or higher, out of which at least one Wind Project should be of 10 MW or higher capacity. (a) Arrangement of land for the Wind Energy Project and (b) Micro-siting of Wind Turbine.”

“The bidder should be a developer of grid connected Wind Power Plant(s) of cumulative installed capacity of 40 MW or higher, out of which at least One Plant should have been of 10 MW or higher capacity at a single location. The reference plant of 10 MW or higher capacity must have been in successful operation for at least Six (06) months prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening.”

“The bidder should have executed in the last Ten (10) years an industrial project either as Developer or as EPC Contractor in the area of power/ steel/ oil and gas/ petrochemical/ fertilizer/ cement or any other process industry, of minimum financial figure as mentioned in Table below, in a single project or single work and the same should be in successful operation for at least One (1) Year / Six (06) Months* prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening.”

They are expected to have successful operationalized, at least one (1) year for electrical sub-station in projects other than RE sector i.e., Solar/Wind. At least Six (6) Months for Electrical Sub-station in RE Projects (i.e., Solar/Wind).

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