NHDC Seeking Consultants for 3rd Party Inspection & Testing of Modules By Ayush Verma/ Updated On Thu, Jun 11th, 2020 NHDC has tendered for the empanelment of consultants for carrying out 3rd party quality inspection and testing of solar PV modules used in its projects NHDC Limited has issued a tender for the empanelment of experienced and capable consultants for carrying out third party quality inspection and testing of solar PV modules used in the development of the company’s solar projects. The last date for bid submission of applications for empanelment is June 25, 2020, and the techno-commercial bids will be opened on June 26, 2020. The selected consultants will be initially empanelled for a period of 2 years. To be eligible, the firms should have carried out at least 3 factory audits of module manufacturers in the last three years ending the last day of month previous to the date of submission of the bid. And, they should have also carried out Third Party inspection, inline quality checks and loading/ supervised loading for dispatch of PV modules for a cumulative capacity of a minimum of 400 MWp in the same period. Furthermore, the bidder should have carried out Third Party inspection, inline quality checks and loading/ supervised loading for dispatch of PV modules of at least 100 MWp in a single order for a single module manufacturer. Empanelment of EPC Contractors for BOS Work for NHDC Solar Projects Also Read Financially, the average annual turnover of the bidder in the last three financial years, ending on 31st March 2019, should not be less than Rs 2.677 crore. NHDC to Empanel Solar PV Module Manufacturers for its Solar Projects Also Read The firm, which is responsible for planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of hydroelectric power projects, has now diversified into solar power projects. For which it has issued this tender for the empanelment of the consultants for performing the inspection and testing of its solar modules. The agency has previously issued two other empanelment tenders, first for the empanelment of solar PV module manufacturers for the development of solar power projects by NHDC. And second was for the empanelment of Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractors for undertaking the Balance of System (BOS) work for its solar power projects. Tags: India, Inspection, modules, NHDC, NHDC Inspection Testing Modules, Solar, tender, testing