News Briefs June 21- Nextracker, Sembcorp, German Solar Target

News Briefs June 21- Nextracker, Sembcorp, German Solar Target

Nextracker Acquires Ojjio

US solar tracker firm Nextracker has acquired Ojjo Inc., a leading foundations business in the solar power sector. This strategic move will allow Nextracker to providing comprehensive system solutions.

According to Dan Shugar, Nextracker CEO, Optimization of the foundations and solar trackers enables customers to meet or exceed project-level LCOE targets while managing execution risk. In tandem with a strong field service program, we will accelerate project delivery and empower access to a broader set of land types.


Sembcorp Completes 245 MW Portfolio Acquisition In Vietnam

Singapore-based Sembcorp continues its RE portfolio expansion in South East Asia with the completion of a 245 MW portfolio acquisition in Vietnam. The latest addition comes after acquiring 73% stake in a subsidiary of GELEX Group Joint Stock Company .

With this, Sembcorp will add 196MW of solar and wind assets to its portfolio.  After completion of the entire acquisition, Sembcorp’s renewables capacity in Vietnam will reach 455MW, while the group’s gross renewables capacity will be 14.4GW.


Germany Aims for 22 GW Solar Additions Annually From 2026


After a moderation to just 13 GW in 2024, Installed solar PV capacity in Germany is expected to move up to 22GW per year from 2026 onwards, according to the German Solar Association (BSW-Solar).

In cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems and Intersolar Europe, the report, The German PV and Battery Storage market, says that the 22 GW trajectory would place Germany on course for the targeted  215GW of installed PV capacity by 2030 .

The distribution between rooftop and ground-mounted is expected to be on par at 50% each, with continued growth across all markets, from residential to industrial and ground-mounted included.

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