Mondragon Assembly Launches New Solar Module Equipment By Soumya Duggal/ Updated On Tue, Jul 20th, 2021 Highlights : Mondragon Assembly has launched new interconnection equipment for solar modules. The company has extolled the device for its “versatility, autonomy, quality and, above all, performance.” Mondragon Assembly has launched new interconnection equipment for solar modules. The device has been designed for the production of different kinds of technologies, including half-cut products, glass-glass and glass-backsheet panels, as well as mono or bifacial PERC, PERL and PERT modules. The Spanish PV production equipment provider claims that the new machine is also suitable for the production of modules that incorporate BIPV technologies and modules with high-efficiency cell technology, such as heterojunction (HJT) or TOPCon. With regard to the sizes of the cells, this new machine is compatible with any cell size on the market, including M10 (182 mm) and M12 (210 mm) cells. The company states that this new machine is capable of interconnecting an unlimited number of ribbons or threads, with a cycle of 120 modules per hour, a non-stop autonomy of more than eight hours and an overall ‘uptime’ of 99%. Other features are precise welding and zero breakage rate, no manual operations, and easy integration with the Manufacturing Execution System (MES), which is an information system that connects, monitors and controls complex manufacturing systems and data flows on the factory floor. In describing its new product, the company said, “Versatility, autonomy, quality and, above all, performance, are the characteristics that give it a uniqueness and distinction on the market,” and added that it offers its clients “comprehensive support throughout the life of their business, providing specialized advice on new and future technologies.” R.K. Singh Acknowledges Tariff, Non-Tariff Barriers To Stay For Solar Equipment Also Read This year, in March, signed an agreement with Romania-based Karpat Solar to supply a production line for photovoltaic solar modules with a capacity of 100 MW per year. The 100 MW in modules was announced to be the first phase of a large-scale project with aims to initially secure the production for the local market and to eventually expand in the European Union. Maxeon Launches New PV Module, Extends its AC Series Also Read “In addition to the standard modules, we will see companies launching modules for HJT, BIPV and other niche products suited to European demand, where Mondragon Assembly has the solution for all those new technologies,” Igor Herrarte, international sales manager at Mondragon Assembly, had said at the time. Tags: Igor Herrarte, interconnection equipment, Mondragon Assembly, Solar modules, Spain