MNRE’s Rs 175.87 Cr RE Research and Technology Development Programme Renewed

MNRE’s Rs 175.87 Cr RE Research and Technology Development Programme Renewed

The President of India has given his approval for the continuation of the Renewable Energy Research and Technology Development (RETD) program of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for implementation during 2017-18 and 2019-20 at the cost of  Rs 175.87 crore.

RETD Programme MNRE

The scheme aims at scaling up R&D effort for “Renewable Energy Research and Technology Development” during the said period for promoting indigenous technology development and manufacture for widespread applications of new and renewable energy in an efficient and cost-effective manner across the country.

The programme will aim to strengthen the research and innovation capacity of the country and will be implemented in accordance with policy and guidelines issued from time to time and thrust areas identified by MNRE.

The objective of the program is to promote indigenous technology development and manufacture for widespread applications of renewable energy such as solar thermal systems, solar photovoltaic systems biogas systems, waste to energy systems, wind energy systems, hybrid systems, storage systems, hydrogen and fuels cells, geothermal, etc. aimed at increasing the share of renewables in the energy mix of the country.

It is also expected to make the renewable industry more competitive along with self-sustainable and profitable. The RETD has listed R&D priorities of various areas and their technology gaps. For example, technology gaps in solar PV and import dependence for wafers, cells, and modules, mass manufacturing of cells and modules, and availability of alternative options in emerging technologies.

In the case of wind energy, it mentions the technology gaps and import dependence on technologies for offshore wind deployment, modeling, and simulation to ensure accurate forecasting.

The scheme will lead to technology/process development in New & Renewable Energy which will be measured in terms of improvement of process/ efficiency and cost reduction and technology validation for scaling up for demonstration and commercialization.

The outcome for R&D Projects will be measured in terms of product/ process/ technology development, patents, publications, entrepreneur development, test labs for performance and reliability testing, policy reports, etc.

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Ayush Verma

Ayush is a staff writer at and writes on renewable energy with a special focus on solar and wind. Prior to this, as an engineering graduate trying to find his niche in the energy journalism segment, he worked as a correspondent for
