MNRE Clarifies On ALMM Applicability On Open Access Projects

MNRE Clarifies On ALMM Applicability On Open Access Projects MNRE Clarifies On ALMM Applicability On Open Access Projects

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has now issued a clarification on the Approved Models and Manufacturers of Solar Photovoltaic Modules (Requirements for Compulsory Registration) Order, 2019″-commonly known as ALMM Order-on 2nd January 2019.

It contains the standards for eligible solar PV models and manufacturers in India. According to the ALMM Order, a model and its manufacturer will be eligible to be utilized in any government project only if it features in the “Approved List of Models and Manufacturers” (ALMM). This includes government schemes as well as electricity sales projects to the government. For the purposes of the terms of this provision, the expression ‘government’ should encompass central government and state governments, public sector enterprises, and autonomous organizations.

The original scope of the ALMM Order was expanded through an amendment made on 2nd February 2021. Clarification that the order  would equally be applied to renewable energy (RE) projects using either net-metering or open access systems was brought about by the 13th January 2022 amendment. The amendment was initially scheduled to take effect for projects availing net-metering or open access from 1st April 2022. However, later, it was amended further on 28th March 2022 to date 1st October 2022.

Rules issued by MNRE

MNRE said, “The amendments should not be applicable to open access or net-metering projects in respect of which the first application for in-principle approval, No Objection Certificate (NOC), or any other approval, as may be applicable in case of open access, was filed prior to 1st October 2022. These approvals might have been given by a distribution licensee, a state transmission utility or a renewable energy agency of the concerned state or union territory,” it said.

It added, “Amendments will not apply to behind the meter solar power plants used only for captive consumption by a single consumer or group of consumers. The amendment would clarify the process in awarding approvals under policies and regulations specific to the states stands justified in each and every aspect.”

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