March 21: As Markets Continue Strong Recovery, Green Stocks Finally Join In

March 21: As Markets Continue Strong Recovery, Green Stocks Finally Join In

After missing out on matching market gains, green energy stocks in our pack finally joined the party, matching or exceeding gains by the mid-cap or small-cap indices today. Among the top developers, NTPC Green and Adani Green both ringed in gains of over 3% each, while Acme Sola also rose almost 1.5%. EPC stocks continued their recovery apace, with Sterling and Wilcon Renewable again rising by a strong 8.57%, even as Shakti Pumps also saw its price jump 5%, and KPI Green continuing its recovery by over 3% as well. Waaree RTL, which has seen a huge degrading of price over the past few months, also stayed in the green today, up over 1.5%.

Company Name Closing Price on March 21 Change %
Borosil Renewables Ltd 511.45  -1.84%
Waaree Renewable Technologies Ltd 859.00 +1.79%
Sterling and Wilson Renewable Energy Ltd 256.00  +8.57%
KPI Green Energy Ltd 427.80  +3.10%
Shakti Pumps (INDIA) LTD 1,029.80  +5.00%
Acme Solar 202.00  +1.03%
SUZLON ENERGY LTD 56.79  -2.74%
Adani Green Ltd 957.00  +3.64%
Inox Wind 171.49  -0.09%
Gensol Engineering Ltd 242.00  +0.31%
Premier Energies 915.00  -3.48%
Waaree Energies 2,358.00  +4.64%
TATA Power Ltd 380.00  +2.61%
NTPC Green 102.50  +3.36%

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