JLM Energy to launch simple energy storage quoting tool SQUAD for solar dealers at SPI

JLM Energy to launch simple energy storage quoting tool SQUAD for solar dealers at SPI

energy storage

SQUAD is a straightforward way for solar dealers to provide residential quotes on solar plus JLM’s MicroStorage product Phazr

JLM Energy has announced the launch of its Simple Quoting and Design tool, or SQUAD, at Solar Power International in Las Vegas. SQUAD is a straightforward way for solar dealers to provide residential quotes on solar plus JLM’s MicroStorage product Phazr. Phazr pairs each solar panel with a battery pack for a streamlined approach to solar plus storage..

SQUAD 1.0 brings time-of-use shifting solutions to California residents, where time-of-use pricing has recently changed in San Diego Gas & Electric Territory in a way that reduces the value of standalone solar. This means homeowners can save their solar power in batteries for hours later in the day when the utility is charging higher rates and people are generally using more electricity – during the dinner hour and early evening.

SQUAD is designed to be used at the kitchen table with the homeowner said the company in a statement. The sales person plugs in answers to customer lifestyle questions, enabling SQUAD to calculate the ideal combination of solar plus storage along with system pricing.

JLM Energy Chief Operating Officer Erin Clark said, “SQUAD is designed to take the guess work out of quoting solar plus storage and help the homeowner visualize the solar plus storage compared to solar only solutions. With the simplicity of Phazr MicroStorage and SQUAD, solar dealers will be equipped with a winning combination to dominate in the emerging solar plus storage market.”

SQUAD generates a sleek, one-page summary of system cost and savings as a leave behind at the conclusion of the in-home consultation. SQUAD uses JLM’s proprietary software Measurz to perform powerful calculations behind the simple user interface. Future versions will include demand shaving and self-supply algorithms.

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