India’s Renewable Generation Surges By 5.5% In 4 Months Of FY25

Highlights :

  • The highest growth was seen in the solar sector which reported an 18 percent rise in its generation from 39137.81 MUs to 46469.05 MUs during this period.
  • While renewables (including hydro) account for 44% of India’s total power capacity, its share in generation is only 22%.
India’s Renewable Generation Surges By 5.5% In 4 Months Of FY25 India's Renewable Generation Surges By 5.5% In 4 Months Of FY25

India’s renewable energy generation has surged by 5.5 percent in the initial four months of fiscal year 2024-25. The latest data released by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) indicated that solar and wind power generations have shown good progressive signs in actual generation.

The latest renewable generation report of the CEA said that India generated a total of 142598.31 Million Units (MUs) of renewable energy (including hydro) between April to July this fiscal. During the same period in 2023-24, the country had reported 135186.02 MUs of green power generation. With the rise in renewable generation, India now has witnessed a rise of 5.5 percent in the totalgreen power generation.

The highest growth was seen in the solar sector which reported an 18 percent rise in its generation from 39137.81 MUs (between April-July of FY24) to 46469.05 MUs (first four months of FY25). Wind energy generation on the other hand reported a rise of 1 percent. Large hydro projects reported a minor decrease in generation. Similarly, during the same period, biomass energy and energy from bagasse also witnessed a plunge during the period in generation.

India's Renewable Generation Surges By 5.5% In 4 Months Of FY25

Renewable energy generation in India in the initial four months of FY24 and FY25.

The monthly renewable generation report for July 2024, however, indicated higher production of solar and wind energy. On a Year-on-Year (YoY) basis, solar generation witnessed a 22.77 percent rise in generation from 8435.40 MUs (in July 2023) to 10,356.35 MUs in July 2024. Wind Energy also witnessed a rise in generation by 9.46 percent.

Thermal continues to enjoy lion’s share

Notwithstanding the increase in installed capacities of renewable energy in the country, in terms of actual generation, thermal energy continues to enjoy a lion’s share. While India’s installed renewable energy capacity (including hydro) stands at 44% of its total electricity capacity, its share in India’s total generation is far lower than thermal, standing at only 22 percent, the latest CEA report indicated.

India's Renewable Generation Surges By 5.5% In 4 Months Of FY25

Share of thermal and renewable energy in actual energy generation. Source: CEA

The renewable generation report of the CEA for the period between April 2024-July 2024, revealed that the total share of renewable energy (including hydro) during the period stood at mere 22 percent. This is against the total share of thermal energy which stood at 74.87%.

Out of this renewable share, large hydro takes the lion’s share of 40.35%. It is followed by solar energy with a share of 23.79 percent and wind with a share of 31.30%.

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