Indian Oil Tenders for 350 kW Solar Projects in Gurugram Plant By Ayush Verma/ Updated On Tue, Aug 4th, 2020 Indian Oil Issues Bid For Solar Projects In Rajasthan And Gujarat Indian Oil has tendered for the engineering, procurement and construction of 350 kW solar power plants at its LPG bottling plant in Gurugram, Haryana. The Indian Oil Corporation (IOCL) has issued a tender for the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of 350 kW solar power plants at its LPG bottling plant in Gurugram, Haryana. The project will consist of a 300 kW ground-mounted solar system, and a 50 kW rooftop solar system. The scope of work for the selected bidders will include the EPC of the 350 kWp on-grid captive solar PV (SPV) plant on turnkey basis on the premises of the bottling plant inclusive of comprehensive O&M of the solar plants for a period of one year from the date of successful project commissioning. Beyond which, the developers will be required to provide operation & maintenance of the solar plants for a further period of 4 years from the date of completion of work in the first part of the contract. The last date for bid submission is August 17, 2020, and the techno-commercial bids will be opened on August 18, 2020. A pre-bid meeting has been scheduled for August 6, 2020, to address the concerns raised by the prospective bidders. All bidders are required to submit an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs 1.61 lakh along with their bids. The developers will be granted a period of 4 months from the date of issuance of the letter of award to complete the work on the commissioning of the solar projects. As per the tender, the bidders must make maximum possible utilisation of indigenous manufacturing facilities and other services/ expertise available for their project implementation plans. It is, therefore, essential that as a preliminary exercise, bidders should explore potential available indigenously for utilisation of manufacturing facilities and other various products/ equipment/ material of Indian origin conforming to specifications as well as construction expertise available indigenously and associate experienced Indian Agencies under overall supervision. Indian Oil Tenders for 150 kW Solar System in UP Also Read In August 2019, IOCL had revealed its plans to invest Rs 25,000 crore in clean energy projects, including solar and wind power plants, biofuels plants, and solar panels at filling stations. “Indian Oil has developed a road map and action plan to usher in clean and green energy alternatives to mitigate the risk of global warming,” the company has issued in its annual report. Indian Oil Tenders for AMC of 600 kW Rooftop Solar System in Mathura Also Read Tags: Gurugram, Indian Oil, Indian Oil Solar Gurugram, Projects, Rooftop Solar, Solar, tender