HPERC Rolls Out Banking Regulation For Open Access Policy

Highlights :

  • The HPERC regulation places a limit on the permitted quantum of banked energy by the Green Energy Open Access consumers to at least 30% of the total monthly consumption of electricity directly procured from the Distribution Licensee
HPERC Rolls Out Banking Regulation  For Open Access Policy HPERC Rolls Out Banking Regulation For Open Access Policy

The Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (HPERC) recently released an open access policy to allow connectivity and open access to electricity generated from green/renewable energy sources. It also includes energy generated from non-fossil-based waste-to-energy plants for use of the Intra-State Transmission System (InSTS) or the distribution system of the licensee(s) in the state or both. This includes instances where such intra-state transmission and/or distribution systems are used in conjunction with the inter-state transmission system.

Banking Facility And Charges

The HPERC regulation places a limit on the permitted quantum of banked energy by the Green Energy Open Access consumers to at least 30% of the total monthly consumption of electricity directly procured from the Distribution Licensee. The regulation does not consider the electricity obtained through Open Access arrangements, either from a third-party supplier or via captive generation utilizing the distribution network, for calculating the permissible quantum of banked energy. The rule also places the banking charges to be adjusted in kind at 8% of the energy banked at the consumer end.

The rule mandates the Distribution Licensee to prepare a detailed procedure for banking along with a model banking agreement within a period of 30 days from the notification of these regulations. The regulation also mandates that the energy accounts of all banking transactions be maintained by the Distribution Licensee and submitted to the SLDC on a weekly basis.

Benefits Under Different Green Energy Open Access Category

The regulation classifies Green Energy Open Access consumers based on the intra-state transmission and/or distribution system usage. For instance, the regulation classifies. The regulation also mandates the use of Long-term Green Energy Open Access consumers who can avail or intend to avail of the Green Energy Open Access for a period exceeding 12 years but not exceeding 25 years.

The Medium-term Green Energy Open Access consumers can avail or intend to avail of the Green Energy Open Access for a period exceeding 3 months but not exceeding 5 years. Whereas, the Short-term Green Energy Open Access Consumers can avail or intend to avail of the Green Energy Open Access for a period of up to one month at one time. Provided that short-term Green Energy Open Access consumers shall be eligible and re-eligible to obtain fresh reservations on applying after the expiry of their term and subject to availability. Such eligibility shall be as per the priority fixed based on the date of such application.

The regulation allows only those consumers with a contracted demand or sanctioned load of 100 kW or more, either through a single connection or through multiple connections aggregating 100 kW or more located in the same Electricity Division of the Distribution Licensee, to take power through Green Energy Open Access under these regulations. There shall be no limit on the supply of power for captive consumers taking power under Green Energy Open Access.

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