Himachal Pradesh CM Wants Quick Deployment of Solar Projects By Saur News Bureau/ Updated On Fri, May 26th, 2023 Highlights : The CM has directed the state officials to find suitable lands as the state looks to have 500 MW solar power this year. Solar projects of 2 MW will come up in two panchayats in all Assembly Constituencies of Himachal Pradesh. Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Issues Tender for 12 MW Solar Project As Himachal Pradesh looks to become the first green state of the country, Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu has announced that the solar power deployment presented in the State Budget will see the establishment of 2 MW of solar installations in two panchayats in all Assembly Constituencies of Himachal Pradesh. The CM said that the scheme of things for solar projects includes 15 segments in Kangra district alone. For this, the CM has instructed the officials to find suitable sites that will help the fast installation of solar energy. He instructed the officials of various departments of the state in a meeting. Himachal Pradesh has set a target of generating at least 500 MW of green energy from solar installations in 2023. The Himachal Pradesh Government has also inotrduced the Rajiv Gandhi Swarojgar Yojana, under which it offers 40 per cent subsidy for developers who set up solar power projects with capacity between 250 KW and 2 MW in the state. The Himachal Pradesh CM said that the concerned departments of the state should make people aware about the governments’ welfare schemes and programmes, so that they can benefit and also the allocated funds for these schemes are also utilised. Himachal Pradesh wants to add 10,000 MW of additional green energy under its new energy policy with thrust on hydropower and battery storage. Subsequently, the state government declared that it is on the way to become the first state in India by 2025 to use 100 per cent renewable and green energy as out of its total consumption of 12000 million units of power, a mere 2000 comes from thermal sources. At the beginning of this year, the Himachal Pradesh government held that large solar power projects will also come up in the hill state through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode. Subsequently, the state’s nodal agency for RE programmes – Himurja – has decided to allow power producers from outside Himachal Pradesh to develop ground-mounted solar power projects to develop solar projects in the range of 1 MW and 5 MW. HP Power Corporation Issues Tender for 12 MW Solar Project Also Read HP Sets Its Sights On Becoming A Green Energy State By March 2026 Also Read Tags: 2 MW of solar installations, 250 KW and 2 MW, 500 MW of green energy, Himachal Pradesh, HIMURJA, Rajiv Gandhi Swarojgar Yojana, solar power in Kangra district, Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu