Havfram Wind Bags Deal To Move Wind Turbines For 1.6 GW Nordseecluster By Saur News Bureau/ Updated On Fri, Apr 14th, 2023 Highlights : RWE and Northland Power have contracted Havfram Wind to be the supplier for their offshore wind clusters. Havfram will transport and support the installation of a minimum of 104 Vestas offshore wind turbines of 15 MW each. Global wind majors RWE and Northland Power are developing their joint offshore wind project Nordseecluster and have contracted Havfram Wind as supplier for their wind power cluster having a capacity of up to 1.6 GW. The Nordseecluster consists of four offshore wind farm sites in the German North Sea. Havfram Wind is to transport and support the installation of a minimum of 104 Vestas offshore wind turbines with a capacity of 15 MW each. All deliverables are subject to final investment decisions for each of the individual phases for the Nordseecluster (A and B). Benjamin Miethling, Managing Director, Northland Power, remarked, “We expect to achieve substantial economies of scale and leverage synergies during the development, construction and operation of the four wind farms. Our preferred supplier agreement with Havfram Wind, which encompasses all four projects, attests to the efficiency of concentrating activities such as procurement.” Sven Schulemann, RWE Managing Director, said, “When the Nordseecluster is fully operational at the beginning of 2029 it will generate enough green electricity to supply the equivalent of 1,600,000 German households every year.” The Mega Wind Power Project Vattenfall, Havfram Sign Preferred Supplier Agreement for Norfolk Wind Projects Also Read The Nordseecluster will be constructed in two phases. Two wind farms (N-3.8 and N-3.7) with a combined capacity of 660 MW are currently in the permit application phase. Turbine installation at sea is expected to start in 2026, with commercial operations starting in early 2027. Of the total of 104 Vestas turbines, 44 are reserved for this initial stage (Nordseecluster A). Google to Buy Wind Energy from Ørsted for US Datacenters Also Read Two further wind farms (N-3.6 and N-3.5) for the second phase (Nordseecluster B) will add an additional 900 MW of capacity, with commercial operation expected to start in early 2029. For both sites, RWE and Northland Power plan to bid and exercise their step-in rights in this year’s German offshore wind auctions – as they did in 2021 for Nordseecluster A. Even Larsen, CEO, Havfram Wind, mentioned, “Signing the preferred supplier agreement for the transport and installation support of the entire lot of wind turbines for a gigantic project like Nordseecluster is proof of our growing position in the market. “ Recently, Vattenfall appointed Havfram Wind for the installation of wind turbines for its Norfolk projects in the United Kingdom. Tags: 104 Vestas offshore wind turbines, Benjamin Miethling, Even Larsen, German North Sea, Havfram Wind, Nordseecluster, Northland Power, Offshore Wind Power, RWE, Sven Schulemann, wind installation in North Sea