Ganesh Green Bharat Plans Launching IBC Based Modules

Highlights :

  • Ketal Patel, MD of Ganesh Green Bharat, stated that the launch is driven by the higher efficiency of the new technology.
  • The firm now has a total of 750 MW of solar module manufacturing capacity.
Ganesh Green Bharat Plans Launching IBC Based Modules Ganesh Green Bharat Plans Launching IBC Based Modules

Gujarat-based solar module manufacturer Ganesh Green Bharat has announced the launch of IBC (Interdigitated Back Contact) solar cell-based modules for the Indian market. At the recent InterSolar event in Gandhinagar, the company showcased its futuristic plans.

Speaking to Saur Energy on the sidelines of the event, the company revealed that it is currently researching the technology and plans to introduce it to the Indian market soon. Ketal Patel, MD of Ganesh Green Bharat, stated that the launch is driven by the higher efficiency of the new technology.

“Currently, the efficiency of TOPCon solar cells stands at 25.2%, whereas IBC solar cells offer an impressive 27.5%. IBC is the latest technology, and as the industry transitions, adoption will increase. In the Indian market, we initially had polycrystalline modules, then moved to Mono-PERC, followed by TOPCon. The future now belongs to IBC. At present, IBC costs are only 2-3% higher than TOPCon, but given its superior efficiency, more manufacturers will gradually shift to it,” Patel told Saur Energy.

Added Technological Advantage Of IBC 

He also highlighted the technological advantages of IBC over Mono-PERC and TOPCon. “With Mono-PERC and TOPCon, if a single cell is damaged, the overall system’s output is significantly affected. In contrast, with IBC, if one cell is damaged, only that specific cell experiences reduced generation, minimizing overall efficiency losses,” Patel explained.

Ganesh Green Bharat currently has a 750 MW solar module production capacity with an existing TOPCon facility but has ambitious expansion plans. “Our future roadmap includes expanding to 2 GW, and we will soon introduce IBC technology. We are currently conducting research over the next year, after which we will commence production.”

Solar Cell Production 

When asked about the possibility of launching a solar cell manufacturing line, Patel stated that the company is exploring advanced technologies and will make a decision once there is greater stability in the most widely accepted solar cell technology in the coming years.

He also emphasized the need for India to scale up its solar module manufacturing capacity. “While Indian solar module manufacturing is growing, the country still needs to augment its production capacity to at least 75 GW per year to meet its 2030 target of 500 GW of clean energy production,” Patel concluded.

You can watch our latest short video interaction with Mr Patel here (Linkedin)Full video interview coming soon. 

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