Extreme Temperatures: CEA Issues Clarifications To Wind Companies

Highlights :

  • A list from the Ministry of Power revealed that 10 wind projects ready for commissioning had pending connectivity quantum of around 3000 MW.
Extreme Temperatures: CEA Issues Clarifications To Wind Companies MNRE Issues Clarification On 'Micrositing' Norms For Wind Projects

The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has issued clarifications for the wind power companies related to their compliance with the norms related to extreme temperatures. This clarification came to the forth after the Wind Power Producers Association (WIPPA) approached the Ministry of Power. 

The association had earlier apprised the ministry about the hurdles in obtaining Connectivity Offer (CON-4) and First Time Charging (FTC) for wind projects. The firms were earlier concerned about the condition of operating these wind turbines at extreme temperature without de-rating. These norms were specified in the CEA guidelines for wind projects.

Recently a meeting of different stakeholders like the Chairman of the CEA, Grid India and Central Transmission Utility of India Limited (CTUIL)  and others were undertaken to arrive at a conclusion. These are meant for the grant of CON-4 and FTC approvals to the wind power plants that are ready for commissioning. The central authority said that for the wind turbines operating below 40 degree C, the wind turbine manufacturers (OEMs) will be given a chance to modify the design of the wind turbine generators (WTG).

“The Wind Power Plants with WTGs operating at rated output at 40°C and having no de-rating of capacity below 40°C, as compliant with normal operating range of IEC 61400-1 standard, need to be considered in determining the permissible quantum of connectivity. In case of WTGs de-rating before 40°C, opportunity will be given to the OEMs to modify the design of WTGs for delivering the rated output upto at least 40°C for consideration of connectivity,” the CEA note said.

It also talked about the case of WTGs operating at de-rated capacity at temperatures below 40 degrees C. It said, “The Wind Power Plants with WTG’s giving rated output upto the normal operating range of 40 °C as per IEC 61400-1 standard, but operating at de-rated capacity at the stipulated extreme temperature of the site as per the CEA (Technical Standards for connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, shall be given connectivity corresponding to the de-rated capacity at the extreme temperature. In case there is no de-rating of WTGs upto the stipulated extreme temperature at site, the entire capacity of such WTGs would be considered in deciding the quantum of connectivity.”

The CEA also laid down special provisions for the hybrid power plants. CEA said that in such case the available capacity of the WTG and the output of the solar inverters at the stipulated extreme temperature of the site should be considered in vitality to determine the permissible quantum of connectivity. 

“However, no separate stipulation is to be made for the permissible Wind and Solar Capacity in the total quantum of connectivity being allowed to the Hybrid Plants. The power injection from Hybrid Plants shall be scheduled upto the allowed quantum of connectivity irrespective of the source of generation (Wind or, Solar, or, Battery Storage).” the CEA added.

A list from the Ministry of Power revealed that 10 wind projects ready for commissioning had pending connectivity quantum of around 3000 MW as consolidated based on the inputs from CTUIL. 

As per the minutes of the meeting, representatives of CTUIL mentioned that as per the prevalent IEC 61400-1 standard applicable for Wind Turbine classes, the temperature range for the extreme conditions is -20 °C to +50 °C and normal range for rated capacity operation is -10 °C to +40 °C. It was further expressed that the deliberations in the cited meetings of 30.05.2024 and 01.06.2024 gave the impression that the de-rated capacity of WTGs at 40°C of normal operating range shall be considered for quantum of connectivity.

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