Ecozen Makes it to Cleantech’s ’50 to Watch List’ for Climate Innovation

Ecozen Makes it to Cleantech’s ’50 to Watch List’ for Climate Innovation

Ecozen Solutions, a Pune-based startup has been recognised by the Cleantech Group 50 to Watch List — the third annual list of top early-stage private companies, delivering innovative solutions on the climate crisis.

The international body which is headquartered in San Francisco, Cleantech revealed the list yesterday, giving commendation for those entrepreneurs who have created new technologies and business models that can support clean hydrogen, increase food availability, eliminate rare earth metals from solar cells and create textiles out of food waste.

Ecozen provides climate smart solutions for pumping and cooling in the agriculture value chain with its cutting edge technology. It is the brainchild of three young and enthusiastic graduates from IIT Kharagpur, Devendra Gupta, Prateek Singhal and Vivek Pandey.

On the recognition, Devendra Gupta, Co-Founder & CEO of Ecozen said, “Ecozen is enabling climate-smart transition for irrigation and cold chain using IOT, innovative energy storage and more efficient motors and controls. Use of clean energy and abatement of food loss, both lead to reduction in GHG emissions.”

“We abate carbon emissions equivalent to removing 50,000 Cars off the road every day. For this, Ecozen has deployed Solar Irrigation Systems, and Solar cold rooms for more than 70,000 farmers in India, Africa and South East Asia. We are elated to be a part of the 50 to Watch List, it’s an acknowledgement of our efforts to combat climate change by an international body.”

On the 50 Watch List, Jules Besnainou, Director Cleantech Group said, “More than ever, we need ambitious innovators to challenge the status quo, lead us to a more sustainable economy and solve some of the most pressing challenges the world faces,”

To arrive at the companies on the list, Cleantech Group put together a diverse panel of more than 25 early-stage investment and innovation experts. The expert panel nominated the companies they were most impressed with, focusing on innovative solutions to the climate crisis.

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Soumya Duggal

Soumya is a master's degree holder in English, with a passion for writing. It's an interest she has directed towards environmental writing recently, with a special emphasis on the progress being made in renewable energy.
