Cumulative Shipments Of 210 mm Modules Cross 260 GW Mark In Q1

Highlights :

  • By the end of this year, the production capacity of large-scale wafers will continue to be strengthened at a rapid pace, with a production capacity of 1,174 GW and a market share of nearly 99%
Cumulative Shipments Of 210 mm Modules Cross 260 GW Mark In Q1 Trina Solar's 210mm Modules Hit 100 GW Milestone in 2023

By the first quarter of this year, cumulative shipments of 210mm modules (including 210R) have exceeded 260GW, according to a survey by TrendForce, a Taiwanese market research company. In addition, 7 out of the top 10 module manufacturers are producing 210mm N-type modules, ensuring that 210mm N-type modules more than hold their own against 182 mm N-type modules in the market. Notable firms that favour the 182mm size are LONGi, Jinko and JA Solar.

According to TrendForce, by the end of this year, the production capacity of large-scale wafers will continue to be strengthened at a rapid pace, with a production capacity of 1,174 GW and a market share of nearly 99%. In particular, the production capacity of 210mm (including 210R) wafers has already reached 457GW, accounting for 38.46% of the total.

Trina Solar, which pioneered the 210mm rectangular wafer first in 2022, is expecting to see adoption accelerate from the second half of 2024.

According to TrendForce, by the end of the year, the production capacity of large-scale cells is expected to reach 1,549GW, of which the total production capacity of 210mm cells is expected to reach 1,296GW, accounting for 82.66% of the market share.

In addition, the production capacity of n-type cells is expected to reach about 1078GW by the end of this year, accounting for 68.8% of the market share, of which TOPCon cells are expected to have a production capacity of about 909GW, accounting for 58% of the n-type cell market. In addition, the global market share of n-type modules is expected to rise significantly from 26.22% last year to 68.93% this year. This would be one of the swiftest technology transitions seen in the solar sector in the past two decades between technologies.

The production capacity of large-scale modules is expected to reach 1,365GW this year, accounting for 96.7% of the market share, while the production capacity of 210mm modules is expected to reach 1,105GW, representing a market share of 78.3%. In terms of shipments, the production of large modules is accelerating, and it is expected to account for more than 85% of the market.

With seven of the top 10 companies producing 210mm n-type modules, companies are pushing to achieve output of 700W or more. Among them, Trina Solar was the first to mass-produce TOPCon modules of more than 700W and launched the ‘700W+ PV Open Innovation Ecological Alliance’ to lead the development of TOPCon modules. Trina Solar said that by the first quarter of 2024, cumulative shipments of 210mm modules will exceed 120GW, maintaining its position as a global leader in the size.

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Tony Cheu

Tony is a BSc who has shifted from a career in finance to journalism recently. Passionate about the energy transition, he is particularly keen on the moves being made in the OECD countries to contribute to the energy transition.
