Corning, Suniva & Heliene Launch ‘Made in US’ Solar Production

Highlights :

  • Premium American Polysilicon, Wafers, and Solar Cells Maximize Domestic Content, Enable U.S.-Made Module

Corning, Suniva & Heliene Launch ‘Made in US’ Solar Production More Indian Module Makers To Setup Manufacturing Centers In US

Suniva, a US-based manufacturer of monocrystalline silicon solar cells, and Heliene, a solar module manufacturer, have announced a deal with Corning Incorporated. The company claims this is one of the first ‘Made in America’ solar module supply chains. Under the agreement, the two companies will supply the domestic market with US-made polysilicon, wafers, and cells. This agreement aims to expand solar module and cell production in the US

Corning is supplying the wafers and, as the majority owner of Hemlock Semiconductor (HSC), sourcing HSC’s hyper-pure polysilicon for the groundbreaking initiative. Both the wafers and polysilicon are made in Michigan, and the solar cells are made in Georgia, ensuring American-made solar components of the highest quality form the foundation of the module.

The new module contains a solar cell with up to 66 percent domestic content—the highest percentage on the market—offering solar developers a significant advantage through the Investment Tax Credit domestic content bonus.

“Corning is excited to leverage our advanced manufacturing expertise to deliver top-quality solar components and secure the U.S. energy supply chain,” said AB Ghosh, Corning Vice President and General Manager of Solar Technologies and Chairman and CEO of Hemlock Semiconductor.

Matt Card, President of Suniva said that“Together, our companies offer the only solar cell in the market that provides U.S. developers maximum ITC domestic content advantage – while building a domestic supply chain that provides for American energy independence and a strong manufacturing base.”

“This partnership is a significant milestone for the U.S. solar industry,” said Martin Pochtaruk, CEO of Heliene. “By combining our strengths, we are able to deliver not only a high-performance module but also support the domestic economy and American job creation.”

About Suniva, and Heliene Inc.

Founded in 2007 and Headquartered in metro-Atlanta, Georgia, Suniva is the leading American manufacturer of high-efficiency crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) solar cells. Whereas, Heliene, Inc. is a North America based domestic module manufacturer serving the utility-scale, commercial, and residential markets.

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